Governor Phil Murphy Responds to Criticism from Chris Christie About NJEDA Tax Breaks
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In response to critical quotes by Governor Chris Christie in an NJBIZ story, Governor Phil Murphy spokesman Dan Bryan offered the following:
“It’s no surprise to see Governor Christie defend a program that his own comptroller found ‘improperly awarded, miscalculated, overstated and overpaid’ tax credits. A longtime employee of the EDA also said under oath that members of Christie’s Administration pressured them relentlessly to award incentives despite the objections of EDA staff. Clearly, in the Christie Administration, policy and fact-based analysis took a backseat to backroom political deals, which resulted in an economy that lagged behind in nearly every economic indicator, including ranking 49th in wage growth and 42nd in employment growth.
“Governor Murphy is committed to turning the page from the disastrous economic policies of the Christie Administration, and has put forward a plan that ensures targeted incentives play a role in smart economic development that rebuilds New Jersey’s economy from the middle class out.”
Big talk from a guy who is afraid to fire the hacks at the SDA or defend Katie Brennan. He's a classic invertebrate.