Murphy Pushes Back Against Ciattarelli over Schools

Schools are a focal point in the political debate over COVID.
Many of those questioning COVID regulations throughout the country are wont to highlight schools being closed as evidence of government overreach.
New Jersey is not immune to these comments.
"Our schools are so much more than just a place for kids to learn," Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli says in a recent Facebook post. "They sometimes provide a kid's only hot meal for the day or the only protection another student may have from abuse. Our kids belong back in school, Governor Murphy. Stand up to the teachers unions for the sake of kids."
Curiously, most school districts in New Jersey are open - at least to a certain extent.
The latest figures from the state show that only 142 districts are "remote" - or, in other words, closed with children learning from home. The 600-plus others are either completely open or somewhat open, which the state calls "hybrid." The total number of districts includes not only traditional public school systems, but also charter schools and schools for the disabled.
It is true that some of the "remote" districts include large, inner-city school systems.
Yet, according to Murphy, about two-thirds of New Jersey students are able to attend in-person schools in some way.
And at today's briefing, the governor was bullish about things getting better real soon.
With more vaccines set to come New Jersey's way, Murphy expanded the eligibility list, which up until now had basically included seniors, those with specific health needs and essential workers, But now that list is being expanded effective March 15 to include, among others, teachers and again on March 29.
Sticking with the educators aspect of things, the governor said he expects more and more schools to begin opening up completely, adding that by September, it should be business as usual at all schools.
He acknowledged that this year has been a stressful one for all involved.
An obvious question is, will Murphy mandate that all schools be open now that teachers are vaccine-eligible?
This is not as easy as it sounds in a state where "home rule" is considered sacrosanct.
There may be political arrows coming Murphy's way for not opening schools, but you can be sure he'd be similarly criticized if he tried to mandate their opening.
And that's something the governor knows.
Asked today if he will push for schools to reopen, he said, "I think this is going to happen naturally."
So will the politics surrounding the issue.