Murphy Rails Against 'Collapse of Moral Authority', Talks Up Currie

ATLANTIC CITY - Against the backdrop of a party shuffling and reshuffling its state leadership profile, the sound of a saw on a tree limb of the sitting speakership emanating steadily from Middlesex County, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Phil Murphy gave a very public buck up to Democratic State Party Chairman John Currie.

"I'm not sure where I'd be without him," Murphy told the packed room.

Earlier today, Currie told InsiderNJ that he wants to be chairman again next year.


"We have made a big deal over these national breakdowns that have begun to hit New Jersey," Murphy said, invoking Assemblyman Parker Space (R-24) posing in front of a Confederate Flag, brought to light in an InsiderNJ report.

"A collapse of moral authority," railed the Democrat said, slamming his Republican opponent Kim Guadagno, for remaining silent, in Murphy's words, on the dust-storm of Confederate Flag-like issues kicked up by President Donald J. Trump's initial response to the murder in Charlottesville, Va.

"We will not be silent when we hear those things," said Murphy. "For all of our diversity, which we celebrate every single day, we have a long way to go."

Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley was said to be floating in the vicinity.

Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell was said to be near.

"We have one of the most consequential African American communities in the country," Murphy said.

He ticked off other minority groups.



South Asians.

Fastest-growing Latinos.

"We will be a state that stands for a stronger and fairer economy that works for everyone in this state," Murphy said.

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