Governor Phil Murphy in Responss to NJEDA Media Reports: ‘I am Deeply Troubled’
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Responding to today’s press coverage concerning New Jersey’s tax incentive programs, Governor Phil Murphy offered the following statement:
“I am deeply troubled by the findings outlined in both the WNYC report this morning and the New York Times story this afternoon. Coupled with what we already know about how the tax incentive program operated over the past six years, I believe now more than ever in the importance of the task force I commissioned.
“Until we’ve taken a good hard look at the entire process, I don’t believe we can be sure that all taxpayer money has been properly spent and accounted for. If there was fraud in this program, I expect the task force will uncover it and those individuals will be held accountable.
“Given the breadth of these findings and those so far reported by the task force, I believe anything short of a total revamp of the tax incentive program is a disservice to the hard working taxpayers of New Jersey.”
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Call a moratorium, fire people, streamline the EDA, scrap the SDA , find out who hired Alvarez and be a friggin’ Governor. (Or ask Tammy to do it. She seems to do everything for you)