Murphy Takes Action on COVID-19 Crisis Legislation

Today, Governor Phil Murphy signed the following bills and resolutions into law:
A-3095/S-1982 (Mazzeo/Beach, Turner) – Provides county clerks with additional week to mail ballots for 2020 primary election; requires ballot position draw to occur one day early if statutory date falls on holiday
A-3840/S-2281 (Lampitt, Dunn, Quijano/Ruiz, Cunningham) – Requires school districts to provide school meals or meal vouchers to students eligible for free and reduced price school meals during school closures due to COVID-19 epidemic
A-3843/S-2283 (McKeon, Bramnick, Chaparro/Vitale, Lagana, Pou, Bateman) – Requires health insurance and Medicaid coverage for testing of coronavirus disease 2019 and for telemedicine and telehealth during coronavirus disease 2019 state of emergency
A-3849/S-2302 (Johnson, Moen, Timberlake/A.M. Bucco, Cruz-Perez, Weinberg, Ruiz, Addiego, Madden, C.A. Brown, Holzapfel, Singer, O’Scanlon) – Modifies deadline by which public agency is required to respond to request for government record during period of emergency
A-3850/S-2294 (Murphy, DeCroce, Moen/Beach, A.M. Bucco, Weinberg, Cruz-Perez, Ruiz, Addiego, Madden, Holzapfel, Singer, O’Scanlon) – Allows public bodies to conduct meetings, and provide notice, by electronic means during periods of emergency
A-3851/S-2295 (Schaer, Scharfenberger, Reynolds-Jackson/A.M. Bucco, Gopal, Cruz-Perez, Madden, Ruiz, Scutari, Bateman, C.A. Brown, Holzapfel, Singer, O’Scanlon, Oroho) – Permits extension of deadlines for adoption of county and municipal budgets under certain circumstances
A-3854/S-2286 (Conaway, Munoz, Benson/Vitale, Gill, Cruz-Perez, Ruiz, Addiego, Greenstein, T. Kean, C.A. Brown, Holzapfel, Singer, O’Scanlon) – Authorizes all licensed health care facilities and laboratories to collect specimens to test for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); allows waiver of staffing ratio requirements
A-3855/S-2287 (Mosquera, Stanfield, Vainieri Huttle/T. Kean, Codey, Cruz-Perez, Ruiz, Addiego, Pennacchio, C.A. Brown, Holzapfel, Singer, O’Scanlon) – Requires food access information be displayed on websites of 2-1-1 system and executive branch departments during public health emergencies to the extent practicable
A-3861/S-2290 (Karabinchak, Johnson, Greenwald/Diegnan, Ruiz, Testa, C.A. Brown, Holzapfel, Singer) – Permits corporations to hold shareholders’ meetings in part or solely by means of remote communication during state of emergency
A-3865/S-2291 (Chaparro, Reynolds-Jackson, Verrelli/Addiego, Bateman, Pou, Ruiz, C.A. Brown, Holzapfel, Singer, Turner) – Limits return of items purchased from retail food stores under certain circumstances
AJR-158/SJR-77 (DeAngelo, DePhillips/Cruz-Perez, Pou, Ruiz, Greenstein, T. Kean, C.A. Brown, Holzapfel, Singer, O’Scanlon) – Urges FCC to take temporary measures to secure broadband access for those affected by COVID-19