Gov. Phil Murphy Pleased with Removal of Judge James Troiano From NJ Judiciary

Judge Mary Jacobson dismissed a lawsuit against Governor Phil Murphy’s task force on NJEDA tax incentives, which was brought by South NJ power broker George Norcross III. The suit alleged that Murphy established the task force to specifically target Norcross.

Reacting to the order by the Supreme Court that embattled Judge Troiano will no longer serve in the Judiciary, Governor Murphy released the following statement:

‘New Jersey’s judiciary has long been held up by observers across the nation as a model for other states. Unfortunately, the inexcusable actions of several judges over recent months have threatened this reputation for thoughtful and reasoned opinion, and common decency. I am gratified that Judge Troiano will no longer sit on the bench and that removal proceedings will begin against Judge Russo. I am pleased with the swift action taken by the Courts to uphold the reputation of our judiciary and ensure that all who seek justice are treated with dignity and respect’.

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