Murphy Versus Guadagno is a Warm-up Act to the Real Fight: Murphy V. Sweeney

Kim Guadagno will look like a warm-up to the main event of simple statehouse governance, by the looks of it, as InsiderNJ's tires chopped out of the gravel lot Monday afternoon and let the source receding in the rearview nurse the same irritability he started with on the subject of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy.
The source is a Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) ally, and he wondered - without speaking for the senate prez - how Sweeney will be able to shake off the thrice compounded indignity of having a state party chair he thought he made instead opting for Murphy for Governor; Murphy big-footing Sweeney's carefully wrought statewide candidacy; and then - maybe the cruelest cut of all - having to dogfight the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) for reelection with nary a word from Murphy, and even the added encumbrance of a Murphy for Gov campaign that inadvertently armed the GOP with twin battleaxes otherwise known as taxes and sanctuary cities.
The humiliations pile up. The bitternesses churn.
In his always tough district, Sweeney will drag across the finish line by single digits if the internal polling if correct, and when he shakes off the dust of the past year, will hardly be in a forgiving - or giving - mood - when it comes to those political desires of political neophyte (and presumed Governor-elect) Murphy. It starts with the war Sweeney has been fighting behind the scenes with Democratic State Party Chairman John Currie, who found his 2017 path to a Passaic County clerkship blocked by the senate president, delaying his run to the plum post by a year. Sweeney saw his own fingerprints on Currie when the establishment resolved a 2013 Jason O'Donnell versus Ray Lesniak fight for the state party chairmanship by catapulting Currie into he seat as a compromise choice.
Sweeney took some credit for that, and was subsequently stunned - and hurt - when Currie bucked him as a statewide candidate - and lynch pinned the northern chairs for Murphy. Currie's and Murphy's silence while the NJEA shoveled $5 million into LD3 in support of a Trump and guns-backing Republican alternative angered Sweeney. Then the Murphy Campaign - apparently stumbling into giving the thumbs up signal to $1.3 billion in new revenues and the candidate's declaration that he would turn new Jersey into a sanctuary state sooner than kowtow to President Donald J. Trump - dropped another anvil on the suburban Sweeney's back, making his reelection more difficult than ever and causing Sweeney's allies to wonder about Murphy's designs on governing.
Ironically, Sweeney is already beginning to resemble the man he replaced for the senate presidency, Senator Dick Codey (D-27), who resented millionaire Jon Corzine stepping over him for the governorship in 2005. Codey, the source conceded, hardly minded reminded people from his bobble-headed doll saddled throne in the senate, what they missed by opting for Corzine over himself in the front office. But the case appears exacerbated in the case of Murphy and Sweeney owing to the even greater divide put between the two men by the case the teacher's organization made on behalf of Murphy and against Sweeney, against the backdrop of the state's thorniest budget issue: public pensions and benefits.
Teachers had a chance to join,with all the other public sector unions, a health program that would have saved them $1400! Their leadership refused. Is that responsible? Is that Sweeney's fault?
I'm sorry. You are operating on the false premise that health benefits are some sort of perk for teachers. They are part and parcel of the compensation package for doing the job, and now teachers are paying through the nose for something that they have given up comparable salary for. It's wrong on so many levels. Sweeney is a dog, and his mafia don tactics are well known. NJEA is showing some serious backbone by working toward getting him out. Also this article is misleading. Grenier has no record to back up the claims about him that seem to have gotten legs. If running as a Republican somehow translates to being a Trump supporter, perhaps you should talk to Flake or McCain. Idiocy can be very damaging to reality.
Teachers have done well and could have done even better( their refusal to join the health care program is just plain stupid) under Sweeney. Teachers went many years without paying for anything and that had to change.
This will hardly be different than what teachers currently face from Sweeney. "You better change your stand or he's going to do what he's already doing" is hardly enticing.
The " horse trading" will be more difficult for Murphy when his agenda comes up. Politicians remember who was there and who was not there during elections. The NJEA made a choice and they must live with that choice. Sweeney is going to win and the NJEA leadership agenda is going to be put on the backburner. Teachers will not be hurt but the leadership will AND MUST pay a price. That's politics.... Other Unions will come first and the NJEA leadership will be out in the cold.