Murphy Welcomes Republican Legislative Leadership to the Guv’s Mansion
Governor Phil Murphy and First Lady Tammy Murphy hosted a dinner tonight at Drumthwacket for Republican legislative leadership and Budget Committee members.
It’s part of his ongoing efforts to discuss budget priorities and reach out across the aisle to find common ground.
The guest list included the following:
First Name | Last Name | Title | Office |
Thomas | Kean | Senator | LD21 |
Robert | Singer | Senator | LD30 |
Steven | Oroho | Senator | LD24 |
Chris | Brown | Senator | LD2 |
Anthony | Bucco | Assemblyman | LD25 |
Nancy | Munoz | Assemblywoman | LD21 |
John | DiMaio | Assemblyman | LD23 |
Ronald | Dancer | Assemblyman | LD12 |
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He has no friends in the Dem caucuses, so only Republicans are left to invite.