Navy SEAL Assemblyman Peters Says He Found out through the Media about Addiego Defection
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Assemblyman Ryan Peters (R-8) this evening reacted to the news that his district-mate had defected from the GOP to the Democratic Party.
His full statement:
I've known Senator Addiego for nearly a decade and currently share a joint legislative office with her, so it was personally disappointing to learn of her decision from the media. While it's no secret that these are challenging times for Republicans in Burlington County, as a Navy SEAL I was taught to stand and fight when the going gets tough, not defect to the other side. Especially when it was that other side who has controlled the legislature since the early 2000's and has generally taxed, spent and borrowed the state into our current fiscal crisis. Dawn's decision is one she will have to live with. You can serve with principle in either party, but switching parties for self-preservation isn't something I would ever do.