Neely Fires Back at Currie in Battleground CD-3


Harrison Neely, spokesman for the GOP State Committee, swatted back at Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie in the wake of the chair attributing racism to the crafters of a CD3 mailer targeting Democratic challenger Andy Kim

"This is an ugly attempt to change a bad news cycle for Andy Kim where he was given two Pinocchios from the Washington Post for lying about his resume again," Neely said. "False cries of racism are a sign that the Kim campaign is coming unhinged down the stretch. Let’s not forget that Tom MacArthur has two Korean children."

Li Gilbert, executive director of the Democratic State Committee, hit back again in a statement.

"Republicans can deny it all they want, but any reasonable person can see why showing an Asian-American candidate next to a pile of raw fish and dog-whistle font would raise some questions," Gilbert said. "MacArthur and his allies have already tried to smear Andy Kim as 'not one of us' and it's starting to look like their whole campaign is based on making oblique references to his heritage, not talking about the issues that 3rd district voters care about like access to affordable health care and property tax relief."

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