New Direction NJ Condemns Legislature's ‘Scam Budget’ for 2020

New Direction NJ condemned the 2020 budget proposal from the NJ Legislature, which was sent to the governor for review. The group called it a "scam budget” and made a late pitch for a millionaire’s tax.

Allied with Governor Phi Murphy, New Direction NJ today fired off an email blast condemning legislators' "scam budget" and making a [bubbleAutoLink text="late pitch" id="54417"] for a millionaire's tax.

"Unbelievable," an assemblyman said, referring to the following New Directions NJ letter:

"Democrats in our state legislature just voted against tax breaks for working class families, expanding free community college, and more affordable pre-k. They had the chance to pass tax fairness for people like you but the Legislature abandoned Democratic values and put short-term political gain above helping their own constituents.

Tell your legislator to support Governor Murphy’s tax fairness plan now. 

"The bottom line is this: legislators are not voting in your best interests. Their scam budget screws working people in our state with fewer benefits and higher taxes while millionaires enjoy their extra $$$. 

"70% of New Jerseyans agree that the middle class shouldn’t be forced to fund a handout to the richest residents of our state. Democratic legislators are caving to millionaires and lobbyists while they betray teachers, families, and students. 

"Worst of all, the legislature failed to reform the rigged corporate tax incentive system despite reports of a criminal investigation. Special interests don’t want these loopholes going away, so timid legislators protect a corrupt system while you pay the price." 

You must join Governor Murphy’s push to protect the middle class. Click here to tell your legislator to support the Governor’s Budget today. 

Thank you,

New Direction NJ

Previous comments for: New Direction NJ Condemns Legislature's ‘Scam Budget’ for 2020

  1. LookingOutForUnion says:

    I find it funny the minute a progressive that threatens all you centrists gets voted in, all the crybaby Norcross lovers are spamming away. Cant wait for Sweeney, Norcross, Cryan all all the centrist Dems to be IN JAIL where they belong.

  2. 1Prop says:

    The only scam in NJ is the inept Murphy Administration. Politics has cause and effect. Murphy caused it.

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