New Direction NJ Launches $1M Ad Campaign For Murphy Budget, Millionaire’s Tax

New Direction New Jersey is launching a major new initiative supporting Governor Phil Murphy’s budget proposal and his call for tax fairness through a Millionaire’s Tax.

New Direction New Jersey is launching a major new initiative supporting Governor Phil Murphy’s [bubbleAutoLink text="budget proposal" id="54417"] and his call for tax fairness through a Millionaire’s Tax.

“It’s time to build a state that works for the middle class and all those striving to get there, so we’re going directly to the people of New Jersey to encourage a discussion about how to move our state forward,” said Philip Swibinski, spokesman for New Direction NJ. “While some in Trenton cling to a failed status quo, this movement looks to a future focused on fairness for all of New Jersey’s families rather than serving the special interests and politically connected.”

The ad campaign is expected to last for the next five weeks on both statewide cable television and digital advertising placements, with a total media spend over $1 million. The organization has also launched an online petition where New Jersey residents can show their support for the Governor’s budget plan, and will be organizing support for tax fairness throughout the state.

The first ad of the campaign, titled “Let’s Talk,” is available here.

“In a little over a year in office, Governor Murphy and legislators who share his priorities have led the way on landmark changes to strengthen New Jersey’s laws on equal pay, minimum wage and paid family leave, putting our state on a path to fully funding public schools, making healthcare more affordable and saving taxpayers over a billion dollars. This year’s budget proposal builds on that progress with historic investments in public transit, education and middle class property tax relief. But that can only happen if the State has the sustainable revenue to fund those priorities,” said Swibinski. “The vast majority of New Jersey residents support tax fairness and we’re launching this initiative to channel that energy into action in Trenton and support for Governor Murphy’s budget proposal.  The choice is clear -- tax breaks for millionaires, or strengthening and growing New Jersey’s middle class.”

Previous comments for: New Direction NJ Launches $1M Ad Campaign For Murphy Budget, Millionaire’s Tax

  1. 1Prop says:

    Paid for by the NJEA and who??????? Real tax fairness would be if you overturned the oppressive and middle-class crushing Abbott decisions. Property taxes should not be based on your zip code. All NJ citizens need a tax break - not more taxes, but Phony Phil doesn't care. He just wants to turn NJ into an open cesspool like San Francisco.

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