At New GOP HQ Opening, Zisa Goes off on Shortway: ‘Basically, He Lied’

At the opening of the new party headquarters on Thursday night (pictured above), Bergen County Republican Organization Chairman Jack Zisa  in his public comments got tough with Midland Park Mayor Harry Shortway.

Zisa said Shortway broke his promise to support the winner of the GOP convention for sheriff by backing independent Robert Tormo over Republican nominee Jack DeLorenzo.

“He publicly told the county committee that he would endorse and work for the winner of the convention,” Zisa told InsiderNJ. “Basically he lied to the county committee.”

The chairman also voiced his displeasure with Shortway’s son, Harry Shortway, Jr. of Vernon, who supports Democratic incumbent U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-5) over Republican challenger John McCann.

A source told InsiderNJ that people in the audience (there were more people than in the above picture) agreed with the chairman. The municipal chair of Midland Park was reportedly livid.

“Next April will be interesting there as far as the line is concerned,” the source said.


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