New Jersey Right to Life PAC Endorses Spadea for Governor

Today, Bill Spadea announced that he has received the endorsement of New Jersey Right to Life PAC, the leading voice for the pro-life community in New Jersey.
“I’m proud to accept the endorsement of New Jersey Right to Life PAC,” said Spadea. “Marie Tasy and the entire team at New Jersey Right to Life have been leading the charge to protect unborn children and promote life-affirming options for women in New Jersey. The Supreme Court has decided that decisions regarding Life belong to the states and I’m grateful that here in New Jersey we have Marie Tasy and New Jersey Right to Life to advocate for us.” Marie Tasy added, “Bill is the true conservative, pro-life candidate in the race for Governor. The results from the 2024 Presidential race have energized conservatives in New Jersey and next year we have an opportunity to elect a conservative, pro-life candidate for Governor. It is my honor to announce that New Jersey Right to Life PAC has endorsed Bill Spadea and will be putting the full strength of our organization behind his effort to promote common sense solutions that all of New Jersey can proudly support.” Bill Spadea is one of New Jersey’s leading media personalities, a Marine, an entrepreneur, and a proud supporter of President Trump since the day he launched his campaign in 2015. Bill and his wife, Jodi, reside in Mercer County where they raised their two children. They have spent the last several years crisscrossing the state of New Jersey listening to the concerns of the state’s residents. To learn more about Bill or his campaign, visit
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An Innocent child in their mother's womb, is innocent to any decision their mother makes. That child has no rights. He or she depends on their parents to make decisions for them. If you believe in your heart, you cannot raise this child, please give that child to someone who will nurture & love your child. Swallow your pride and give it up for adoption. Believe me you will be a better person for it. It certainly better to live with that action then living with murder. This is not a women's right, this is the right of your child.
Most Americans believe in the sanctity of life but, "continue to believe abortion should be legal in at least some situations. The majority also disagree with the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which returned discretion over the legality of abortion to the states. At the same time, majorities think second-and third-trimester should generally not be legal." Abortion is a very delicate issue that has no place in politics. It should be given great respect and deliberated with grace. "ROEVEMBER" was nothing more than a full on assault, making women believe all of their reproductive rights were at risk, using fear -mongering tactics disguised as a clever campaign slogan. Democrats lost this past election and New Jersey is turning more and more purple to red because of the extreme progressive positions and New Jerseyans are disgusted and fed-up.
The majority of people in this country declare themselves to be pro life. Thankfully, they still see the slaughter of innocents as exactly what it is. Anyone who believes in the sanctity of life, must put one opinion above all others, and that is the Creator's. Bill Spadea is the only candidate who will protect innocent life. This year, the people of NJ spoke. We turned NJ from blue to purple, because we saw the seriousness of the godless, devastating agenda of the democrat party. All other candidates who will run in the 2025 primary are on board with that agenda, no matter what the party, except for Spadea. He was pro life and pro Trump, even when it was unpopular. The democrat/rino agenda has the same outcome: America-killing; prosperity-killing;morality-killing and life killing. VOTE RED. VOTE LIFE!
I will start by stating that I believe abortion should not be a political issue. It is a very personal decision that deserves a high level of responsibility and respect. The days of “legal, safe and rare- with exceptions “ are at odds with “on demand up to the time of birth-and even beyond.” The majority of Americans are uncomfortable with this extreme position. Most other countries have a 12 to 15 week window, with exceptions. Reproductive Rights have been packaged and gaslight by politicians to garnish votes for decades. Past presidents promised to codify Roe vs Wade, if elected and never did. Plan B - the morning after pill and contraceptives are a right to all women -in EVERY state- to access per the recent unanimous Supreme Court ruling written by Justice Brett Kavanaugh. More abortions have been performed after the Supreme Court decision having Roe vs Wade go back to each state than before the decision- per Plan Parenthood. At 24-28 weeks a life is viable outside the womb, at which time that life is protect by , the rights to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness. “ROEVEMBER” fell flat this past election because most women do not see this through the casual lenses of a catchy political slang. New Jersey is pro-choice and that will not change. But, let’s be reasonable and stop the gaslighting that women are going to lose their rights to the freedom of choice.
Good to see a Republican to Standup for Life once again!
Donna Young and Marie Tasy, And All ‘pro-life’-ers: Kindly put your taxpayer money where your mouths are and agree to pay a lot more in taxes to provide cradle to grave compassionate care for ALL the material needs that the children born from millions of unwanted pregnancies will cost if we actually outlaw all abortion. Then pray your own daughters are never raped and choose to risk bleeding to death from a coat hanger abortion than from a safe, medical procedure.
Please understand that you don’t speak for all women in New Jersey. Our worth is not measured by a right (that does not exist ) to kill innocent children.
NJ NEEDS to STAY BLUE! NO MAN…other than someone’s dr, has the right to ENFORCE their RULES about pregnancy onto any woman! NJ can NOT ALLOW the g.o.p. to take over & try to turn us RED…BEEN THERE…Christie Todd Whitman & Chris Christie and the majority of NJ ENJOYS ITS REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM & wants to STAY BLUE! I’ll fight til my last breath to make SURE my 2 granddaughters have the same RIGHTS to their bodies as their mother & I had! It’s disgusting that they don’t and it will NEVER BE OK, that MEN decided on what a WOMAN should & should NOT do…with THEIR bodies. WAKE UP LADIES NO MATTER YOUR AGE. I REFUSE to sell out my daughter & granddaughters rights…do YOU
All we can say is "Thanks be to God for Bill Spadea!" My entire family is proudly supporting him !!! Thank you, Mr Spadea! God Bless You! Bruce and Donna Young and entire family in NJ.