New Jersey Rocked by an Earthquake

Hamilton Street, Franklin Township, New Jersey.

New Jersey just experienced a significant earthquake out of the Tewksbury/Lebanon area.

10:23 a.m.

Felt as far as New York and Pennsylvania (and beyond), the quake registered a scale impact of 4.8.

"I assure our community that we are closely monitoring the situation following the 4.8 earthquake," said Clinton Town Mayor Janice Fuller. "Our first responders are on standby to assist if needed. Please stay safe and heed any advisories from local authorities."


From New Jersey Digest:

There was an earthquake in New Jersey around 10:25 a.m. on Friday morning. The earthquake was felt across much of New Jersey and parts of Connecticut, Philadelphia and New York. The magnitude has not been reported yet, but it is likely between 4.0 and 5.0. Preliminary estimates say 4.7 to 4.8.

At around 10:25 a.m., a the earthquake began, which lasted around 10 seconds. According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake centered in Whitehouse Station, NJ.  Most people reported the floors of their homes or offices shaking. Outside, the earthquake was visibly present in bushes and trees shaking, appearing almost as if they were undergoing high winds.

It has yet to be reported if there has been any significant damage due to the instance. The NJ earthquake comes just one day after Taiwan experienced a massively detrimental earthquake of their own.

This just in from the Burlington County Public Information Office:

All Burlington County buildings have been surveyed following the earthquake, and no significant damages were found. All Burlington County government offices are open and operations are normal.

The biggest impact from the quake was probably on Central Communications. The call center in Westampton, which fields 911 calls and does police, fire and EMS dispatch for all 40 Burlington County municipalities, received more than 200 calls during the first 15 minutes after the earthquake. Nearly all were determined to be non-emergencies where callers inquired what occurred and if it was an earthquake. No injuries were reported.

Updates to follow.

Previous comments for: New Jersey Rocked by an Earthquake

  1. Thomas Jefferson says:

    The only ones who were running around like "Chicken Little" with their heads cut off were the government agents in New Jersey and New York. They were more worried about a little shaking and rocking and rolling than they are about allowing murdering, raping, assaulting, and thieving illegal aliens into this state under the fraudulent moniker of "Sanctuary State"--that we can no longer afford the $4-$5 BILLION DOLLARS/YEAR that we pay for them to be here. We have never experienced a 5.5 or 6 (or bigger) earthquake and wouldn't even know what to do if it hit. California has them all of the time, and they still can't do anything about them; even though they've been building earthquake "proof" code buildings and homes. The largest earthquake ever recorded in America, by humans was closer to the East around St. Louis in the Mississippi River region. It changed the flow of the river from south to north and changed the bends at certain points of the river. Watching the politicians falling all over themselves saying what needs to be done was a joke. They had no clue. NY Gov. Hochul was talking about "duck and cover". That's totally laughable. That was the phrase that was used when I was in school in the 1960s as an air raid "protection" against a nuclear attack!!!! Again, that was laughable back then as it is today.

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