New Jersey Tax Incentive Task Force Proposes Questions For Norcross Testimony

NJEDA Tax Incentive Task Force Counsel Jim Walden


TRENTON — Today, Governor Phil Murphy’s [bubbleAutoLink text="Tax Incentive Task Force" id="55148"] supplied proposed questions to the New Jersey Senate Select Committee on Economic Growth Strategies for its upcoming examination of George E. Norcross III, which is scheduled for November 18.

On three occasions, the Task Force afforded Mr. Norcross the opportunity to testify at its public hearings, or to submit a statement for the record regarding the tax incentive programs governed by the EDA. Mr. Norcross has declined these opportunities, as noted by Judge Jacobson during civil proceedings on July 31, 2019, when she stated, “the Task Force did offer the plaintiffs the opportunity to provide a written statement…The plaintiffs decided not to do that…also, the Task Force gave them the opportunity to appear and testify before the Task Force.”

Mr. Norcross’s testimony is relevant to the Task Force’s mandate to conduct an in-depth examination of EDA tax incentive programs. In light of his public statements confirming that his testimony to the Senate Select Committee will concern the Task Force’s investigation, Special Counsel Jim Walden has requested that the Committee consider posing a limited number of questions to Mr. Norcross. Walden states, “Since Mr. Norcross refuses to answer questions bearing on key issues before the Task Force, it is appropriate for the Select Committee to subject his testimony to meaningful scrutiny.”


[pdf-embedder url="" title="NJTF Senate Select Letter - November 15, 2019"]


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