New Jersey's War with an 'Iranian Drone Mothership'

Are they from Iran?
That's what Rep Jeff Van Drew suggests, talking about an "Iranian drone mothership" that he says is missing from its home port.
Another theory is that this is some sort of secret U.S. military exercise.
Elected officials across the state and across the political spectrum are weighing in - everyday it seems - about the drones overhead.
Just in the last 24 hours or so, we heard from Josh Gottheimer, Chris Smith, Jon Bramnick (twice) and the aforementioned Van Drew.
Earlier this afternoon, Joe Pennacchio, a veteran state senator from LD-26, (Morris-Passaic) offered his views.
He thinks the state police investigation of the sightings is being hamstrung by the federal government.
In other words, the feds know what this is about, but are not saying, or, are not letting the state police say.
Why does Pennacchio think the feds - which would be the FBI and Department of Homeland Security - know what's up?
His answer: They know a lot about everything - joking that the feds probably know everyone's favorite color.
Some of this, of course, is cynicism about the federal government and to some - the "deep state."
But there is something else.
As every journalist knows, law enforcement agencies like to keep things secret.
There could be good reasons for doing that, but not all the time and certainly not this time.
It never fails. When officialdom is silent, rumors grow and grow.
As it is, even the bare facts indicate something odd may be happening in the night sky.
We have heard about 49 drone sightings in one night. Sure, that could mean 49 people saw the same drone, but maybe not.
Smith, a congressman from CD-4, said the drones seem to be originating over the ocean, which points to Van Drew's theory. OK. But surely U.S. radar, which has the capability to track ballistic missiles, would be able to detect from where drones are coming, no?
Gov. Phil Murphy says that the drones apparently go dark if people lock eyes on them. That sounds disquieting.
It's not surprising that some are suggesting the military should just shoot them down.
What we have heard officially since the drone sightings began in November is that they pose no danger. Experience suggests that is true, because nothing nefarious has happened.
At the same time, the silence of federal officials is unhelpful.
To that end, Sen. Cory Booker made a good point, according to The Hill, a D.C-based website.
“Without transparency, I believe that rumors, fear, and misinformation will continue to spread,” Booker said.
That's obvious.
And that's the problem with the muted response from the FBI and related federal agencies.
Today, the drones are from Iran. Tomorrow, they'll be from Mars.
Rumors and theories will not stop until the public knows as much about this as the FBI does.
To the Left-wing, Democrat ignorati: The drones are searching/sniffing for missing radioactive material that came in on a shipping container. That's what is now being reported out of government sources. So, if Martians stole it, we'd know by now. As for Stewart Resmer's Canadian geese theory, Trudeau will be resigning shortly after Trump called Canada the 51st state and humiliated Trudeau by calling him the Governor of the State of Canada. It's about time Trudeau exits. He can't find his arse with both hands. The guy is another typical Left-wing Marxist fool and abject moron.
NJ Rep Walks Back Iranian Drone 'Mothership' Theory The congressman has been asking federal authorities to share more about what they know of drone sightings in the Garden State.
Could be the drones are from the Martian mothership that has just landed and Grovers Mill New Jersey(seeOrson Wells “war of the world radio broadcast”)!
It's all a joke until someone gets blown up by these drones. Or, they bring down the electric infrastructure. Bomb a nuclear power plant. Spray aerosol pathogens on the public. But, hey, that's O.K. All you Dimwitocrats keep on making stupid comments. Just like you did when you said wouldn't win the election, he was a Nazi, he was a fascist, he was the next Adolf Hitler. But, you leftist-Communists said it. It's forever out on the internet or the cloud. Make stupid statements, win stupid prizes.
I read on the internet ‘Amateur Outsider’ that as reported by the Key Largo Coast Watcher that the Iranian mystery ship struck a rogue iceberg and sank with all hands on board d before getting off a distress signal without trace in the deep waters. AND, that this rogue iceberg melted without leaving a trace of flotsam nor jetsam behind, and that the sharks bellies were distended and full this morning. In other news the Canadian Geese were seen flying north just before sundown preventing hunters from shooting them down to determine if they were actually drones instead? News at 11
Van Drew is just insufferable.
Klaatu barada nikto"
Well, if the gov won't respond then as free Americans we should just shoot them down. As simple as that. I haven't made comments on this INSIDER NJ SITE.
Well, if the gov won't respond then as free Americans we should just shoot them down. As simple as that.