New Murphy Ad Targets Economic Failures of Christie-Guadagno Administration

A new 30-second television ad from Murphy for Governor begins airing statewide today, citing the economic failures of the Christie-Guadagno administration that have driven up costs for middle-class families and seniors and underscores that four more years of the same policies would only produce four more years of the same results.
"We’ve paid a big price for Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno," the narrator says. "They gave out billions in corporate tax breaks. Millions to whitewash the Bridgegate scandal. Millions more wasted on empty office space. We got stuck with the bill."
The ad notes that under Christie and Guadagno, property taxes have increased 17 percent, NJTransit fares are up 36 percent, and college tuitions have skyrocketed 20 percent, while Planned Parenthood and women's health programs were defunded.
"Property taxes up. Train and bus fares up. College tuition up. Women’s healthcare funding eliminated. With Christie and Guadagno we’re paying more and falling behind," the ad concludes. "Four more years of Kim Guadagno is unaffordable."
In response to Phil Murphy's latest ad, the Guadagno campaign released a statement.
"Phil Murphy is so desperate to avoid discussion of his plans to make raise taxes on New Jersey families that he'll resort to attacks, distortions and lies. Kim Guadagno has promised to lower taxes and audit Trenton to cut spending while Phil Murphy has guaranteed billions in higher taxes," said Guadagno Spokesman Ricky Diaz. "That's the clearest choice New Jerseyans have ever had in an election."
What Chutzpah. NJ can't afford even ONE year of Murphy, what with his billions in tax increases, desire for a sanctuary state and crazy schemes of a state bank and windmill farms like those windmill farms that are failing all across America.