New Poll: Sue Altman in Two-Point Race with Tom Kean, Jr. - a Statistical Tie

Today, Altman for Congress released new internal polling showing a statistical tie in the race for New Jersey’s 7th Congressional district, with Sue Altman trailing incumbent Republican Congressman Tom Kean, Jr. by only two points.

According to the poll, conducted by Global Strategy Group between September 30th and October 3rd, 45% of voters say they would vote for Altman, with 47% supporting Kean, Jr.

62% of voters are now familiar with Altman, which has boosted her favorability numbers to a net-positive of 10 points (35% favorable/25% unfavorable) at the same time Kean, Jr. is underwater by three points (39% favorable/42% unfavorable).

Altman has particular strength with both college-educated women (39% favorable/20% unfavorable) and non-conservative Republicans (43% favorable/22% unfavorable), and she leads by 16 points among unaffiliated voters (52% Altman/36% Kean).

On the key issue of abortion, voters are much more likely to believe Altman shares their views (43%) than Kean, Jr. (27%) – understandable given Kean Jr.’s secret anti-abortion website, his votes to restrict abortion across the country, and his unwillingness to protect IVF access.

Kean, Jr. has faced a high level of scrutiny for dodging constituents, debates, and reporters – including the much-circulated video from September in which he refuses to acknowledge the existence of a reporter for over two minutes.

Sue Altman, on the other hand, has made it clear that being available to the residents of NJ-07 is an absolute priority – hosting a district-wide town hall tour to meet with voters of all backgrounds and beliefs across the district to discuss the issues that matter most and field unscripted questions.

Rob West, Campaign Manager, Altman for Congress said:

“Numbers don’t lie – Tom Kean, Jr. and his floundering campaign are in trouble.

NJ-07 voters are ready for new leadership, and Sue Altman is exactly what this district wants. Instead of politics as usual and partisan loyalty, Sue has focused on the issues people care about regardless of their political party.

Tom Kean, Jr refuses to reject Donald Trump’s extreme Project 2025 agenda, protect women’s reproductive rights and access to IVF, or actually engage with his constituents – a complete failure of leadership. NJ-07 deserves better in Washington.

That’s why Sue’s momentum continues to build and why no amount of money from corporate PACs, Mike Johnson, or Elon Musk is going to save Tom Kean, Jr. on November 5th.”

Republicans issued a statement of their own:

Cook Political has officially moved NJ-07 to a “Lean Republican” race.

Democrats have been fretting about Sue Altman for over a year: “Democrats privately worry that her profile — she led protests against neighboring Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) for his moderate record — makes it harder for them to win the seat.”

It’s no wonder why: Altman’s support for defunding the policeraising taxes and boys in girls sports is radically out of step with common sense New Jersey voters.

“Sue Altman is grasping at straws trying to hide her radical past, but New Jersey voters see her for who she is: a megaphone-touting, defund the police radical. The momentum is on common sense pragmatist Tom Kean, Jr.’s side and he will be re-elected in November.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Savannah Viar

(Visited: 4 times)

Previous comments for: New Poll: Sue Altman in Two-Point Race with Tom Kean, Jr. - a Statistical Tie

  1. DE Teoforu says:

    Polls, polls polls…when you are a Republican like me, you either toe the line obediently no matter what doubts come to mind or you think of what legislation would be like in Wash DC with Trump as President with a Republican Senate and House dominated by Republicans and whom they are beholding to, would not result in well-being for America. The reason is sad; my party no longer seems to think of America’s position in the global setting and all the historical facts that made America great in the eyes of everyone in the world. My party’s control of the Presidency and Congress has served narrow interests whose standing violates our national separation of fake Chirvhnand real State. We were supposedly devoted to freedom and equality in the face of our diversity. So like many others, I see the very American I defended as the homeland of my children and grandchildren suddenly become paralyzed in the face crisis as if we have no enemies determined to destroy us. In the past the two parties fought over who best defends the people and . freedom, helping others share our devotion to freedom and security. Yet, now we evade complexity and struggle. We criticize ouf government as s bunch of weirdo and freaks and turn our attention to whatever entertainment is available. On the other hand. BOTH parties just want us to send money and let them do all the thinking. The Wash DC K Street bats are full of lobbyists passing out cash in return for favors in return for legislation. No one talks about it because everyone got used to this shameful behavior. Both parties never send us information, just disrespectful endless demands for cash, cash, cash. They couldn’t card less what we think and disregard our queries and ideas, responding to them with only bombastic demands for money do they can pay their campaign workers pros for three months of cash collection snd 9 months bathing in the Sun in Florida snd other warm places. What we think and what Ed feel means nothing anymore. Whenever we send them an opinion they respond with an endless flow of demands for cash. Hate, hate, hate is what elected officials in Wash DC offer us in return for our desperate opinions and pleas for help. We srdd Ed now being recruited for separate merciless political machines that go to Wash DC to drain and destroy us for their profit. The Republican Party of today is not the Republican Party whose leaderdhip I suppprted since coming to America. To twice put in power a dangerous individual who puts America and our Democracy at risk thinking that anything he wants to do selfishly he can do. Whatever criticism one can make against Kamala Harris, we can be sure that her only running because she wants to work for America sbd no other reason. On the other hand got Trump America is just a foe he can milk whenever he wants to snd he owes no one anything. I don’t have to get into a long debate over what he will FOR our country as I saw what he did as President TO our country. Sure, as a Republican I have a lot to criticize about the Democrat political party, but I have no doubt that, unlike the Presidential sense of grave responsibility that Harris sees awaiting her if she wins the election as a grave challenge and awesome obligation. I know that because she had the same attitude as an elected California Prossvutor and Senator, I can bount of her to b a devoted, moral and of the people President. But Donald Trump wax President so no one can pretend not to know what an irresponsible and self-centered man he proved to be as President. If he made known his medical record that he hides, we would know why he has been such a reckless man all his public life. Long before he became President we already knew and could never escape his dangerous behavior. How’d et, because he always violated the rules and nevef allowed his medical records exposed as ALL OGHER CANDIDATES MAKE PUBLIC, we will never know WHY he behaves as recklessly as he does and is unable to do so. Because we respect privacy we find it hard to insist that he make his medical record public because he desperately insists on not making his medical record public, as all other political candidates have, but hdd Ed refuses because he knoss Wed that wd would then know WHY he behaves as he does and CANNOT DO BETTER. I don’t consider his medical misfortunes something we should embsass him with, but if they disqualify him from becoming President, we have to know. He would show his medical history if he cared about us and let the electoral chips fall where they may. Sure they are private for any and all American citizens, but not from the American people who will suffer the consequences if he is re-elected. We saw how weird he as s decade ago but now, ten years later, his medical records are more critical to American democracy and security now than ever before l. So, lest he puts medical issues to rest— and not with a letter from his proctologist declaring that “he’s in perfect health!” That’s not enough, that’s not a medical history, it ix just more Trump fraud as ever before. So, Mr Trump, put forward your medical rd odds in full and if there’s nothing disqualifying there I promise you my vote. But if you jerk huddling them or you edit them, then it’s all a fraud like all the other frauds you have been convicted of! Reestablish yourself, Mr Trump, and get this fear of what you ard hiding out of the way do we can get back to debating issues instead of personal peculiarities!

  2. Sharon Ransavage says:

    I just love how Dems “fret” about progressives ( real Dems) who take stances that they abhor.. ( like calling out political corruption) But apparently Gottheimer who voted against releasing data regarding deaths in Gaza is a “centrist” ..

  3. Donald Katz says:

    Pretty much any “internal poll” has to be taken with a grain of salt. No campaign would release anything from an internal poll except if it favored them and their bought and paid for pollster does his or her best to make that happen, by their sample selection, the wording of their questions and many other ways. This is a non-partisan comment since applies to internal polls commissioned by both parties.

  4. Thomas Jefferson says:

    Democrats are nothing more than bomb-throwing Communists that will take down anybody with false allegations, gaslighting, projection and even attempted assassinations.

  5. TJ raped his staff says:

    Yep, she was hauled out of a senate committee (pic in Kean ads) for going after now indicted George Norcross. Seems you folks like self-serving politicos versus those who work for the people

  6. Henry says:

    If the people polled knew about her, this socialist radical would be 15 points behind!

  7. Michael Schnackenberg says:

    Jefferson, where does your imagination take you? This IS a close race because people are beginning to see Daddy's Boy Kean Jr. for what he is. This race will end up within 3 points either way. What will you cry about if Junior loses?

  8. Thomas Jefferson says:

    The poll is a farce. It's not even that close. Put a 1 in front of the 2% that Altman claims is the current poll. Altman is actually 12 points behind; not 2 points as the paid-off poll says.

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