New Year’s Resolutions for Newly Sworn In Elected Officials

Read all of your campaign promises and try and keep at least one.

Host an event for a worthy charity that doesn’t benefit you at all.

Thank your parents and family for enduring the campaign and your endless yakking about yourself and your all-consuming election.

Try and not use family members as props for your swearing in. I apologize to Kevin Jr. and Ryan Marie for my multiple violations.

Try and work with the other party on some issue, any issue.

Don’t use your office to enrich yourself or close friends.

Understand that the sands of time are ticking on your new term.

Do something bold.

Don’t act like the universe is circling around you.

Be mindful that every word and action you now take will be etched in stone (or all over the internet) forever.

Even though most don’t care, remember the world is watching and recording your every move.

Do not immediately use your new office as a stepping stone for your next political position.

Remember the state and federal elected officials in the audience, or swearing you in, really aren’t
there for you, it is the office and part of their job.

Even if you think you are special and the Governor or State Senator swearing you in really loves
you, remember it isn’t real.

Enjoy the moment and recall the purity of taking that oath for the very first time.

See the Kevin Kline movie “Dave” and focus on the line by Ben Kingsley - remember why you really first ran for office.

Do good things.

Have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously.

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