Newark City Council Approves Resolution Prohibiting Police Use of Marijuana

The Newark Municipal Council passed a resolution sponsored by North Ward Councilman Anibal Ramos urging the administration of Mayor Ras J. Baraka to issue an order prohibiting Newark police officers from using marijuana in their off duty
The resolution was approved by a vote of 5 to 0 by the Municipal Council Wednesday. Central Ward Councilwoman LaMonica McIver abstained. The resolution heads to the mayor and city business administrator for consideration. The resolution follows a memo issued Friday by state Acting Attorney General Matthew Platkin that says the following: “please be reminded, however, that unregulated marijuana continues to be a controlled dangerous substance, N.J.S.A. 24:2I-2, and the cannabis legalization law in no way insulates employees from adverse consequences from their employers for the possession or consumption of unregulated marijuana.”New Jerseyans will be allowed to legally use marijuana beginning today.
Ramos said police officers are prohibited by federal law from using marijuana because they are required to carry firearms. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms prohibits any firearms purchaser from using marijuana, Ramos said. "Since police are required to carry a firearm both on and off duty, they would be unable to perform their duties under the federal law," Ramos said. "If and when the federal law is changed, only then should we even begin to consider the possibility of police officers using marijuana." Ramos said marijuana also impairs police officer's judgement and could lead to questions in court about an officer's actions. "Being an armed police officer is a privilege that comes with great responsibility," Ramos said. "Allowing police officers to use marijuana even when they are off duty is just bad public policy, plain and simple."
It's pretty sad when the children of Newark can't even walk down the street to go to school or to the local store without being subject to the smell of marijuana being smoked in public which I believe and I always thought it was against the law you can't even walk to church on Sunday but a nice sunny day without being subject to the smell of marijuana on the streets of Newark what the hell is the world coming to yes I get it they legalize it but it should be subject to be smoked indoors in your own homes not subject to be smoked on the streets so that the children and elderly and families have to walk through and smell it you can't even walk from corner to corner without smelling marijuana on the streets of Newark it's a sad sad day when our youth the future of our country and our city has to be subject that I smell I think it's time for your city council and the local police department to step up and do their job she's legal to drink in public which they still do a bottle of the best liquor in one hand and marijuana in the other what the hell happened to Newark taking over by the weed heads of our once beautiful city