In Newark, Faith and Leaders Stand Against Sessions; Demand Transformation of Jamesburg Detention Center

Faith in New Jersey activists today convened on the steps of the Hall of Records in Newark to stand against Attorney General Jeff Sessions plan to resuscitate the War on Drug policies they say devastated the lives of Black, Brown, and poor people in America and across New Jersey.
A country with the highest incarceration rate on the planet and a state with the highest sentencing disparities between Black and White people in the country cannot sit idly by while AG Sessions propounds his racist agenda and policies, said lead organizer Archange Antoine, executive director of Faith in New Jersey.
"More than ever, we need gubernatorial candidates who are committed to choosing a State Attorney General who will be committed to pushing against this administration and make sure we push towards racial, immigration and economic justice in New Jersey," Antoine said. "We cannot afford to pick anyone who will help advance the interests of the elite and special interest groups while denying families who are desperately in need of justice and equity."
The faith leaders joined forces with the NJ Institute for Social Justice, calling to end the targeting of Black and Latino youth in New Jersey who make up 90% of juvenile incarcerated.
"We are calling for major transformation to the Jamesburg Detention Center," said Antoine, standing with the New Jersey Clergy Coalition for Justice, Salvation and Social Justice, Institute for Social Justice, UU Legislative Ministries, Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy Ministry of New Jersey.