NJ Citizen Action Endorses Six Legislative Primary Candidates

Today, New Jersey Citizen Action (NJCA) released endorsements from the NJCA PAC of six candidates for NJ legislative primary elections:
LD-16 Assembly: Sadaf Jaffer
LD-20 Senate: Sen. Joseph Cryan
LD-20 Assembly: Asw. Annette Quijano and Reverend Reginald Atkins
LD-37 Assembly: Gervonn Romney Rice and Lauren Dayton
This announcement joins two previously announced legislative endorsements – Asw. Valerie Huttle for LD-37 Senate, and Asm. Andrew Zwicker for LD-16 Senate. Ms. Rice and Ms. Dayton are running on Asw. Huttle’s slate, Ms. Jaffer is Asm. Zwicker’s running mate, and Rev. Atkins is running with Sen. Cryan and Asw. Quijano.
“Our country stands at an historic inflection point with an uncertain future. The GOP is ramping up its efforts to undermine democracy, while inequality continues to rise to dangerous levels and the COVID-19 public health crisis still rages,” said Phyllis Salowe-Kaye, NJCA Executive Director. “In New Jersey we need a fair and equitable recovery from the pandemic, as well as to address the systemic injustices and racism ingrained in our laws, policies, and taxes that communities of color have long been burdened with.”
Salowe-Kaye continued: “The candidates we are endorsing today understand how high the stakes are for working families and people of color, and will fight for comprehensive solutions that tackle the root of these problems. These include affordable health care for all, a living wage, paid family leave and sick days, immigrant rights, workers’ rights, women’s rights, consumer protections against large financial institutions, tax fairness, and other Citizen Action priorities. With bold leaders like these qualified individuals, New Jersey can turn these unprecedented times into meaningful victories for ordinary people.”
NJCA’s endorsement process examines an incumbent’s voting record and candidates’ responses to the organization’s questionnaire, among other factors. Endorsed candidates are supported with outreach to media, partner organizations, allies, affiliates, and 20,000 members throughout New Jersey, as well as various levels of direct voter contact by phone, text and door-knocking.
New Jersey Citizen Action is a statewide advocacy and social service organization that advocates for social, racial and economic justice for all while also meeting the pressing needs of low and moderate income New Jerseyans through education and direct service.