NJ Labor Department Clarifies Unemployment Certifying Process

Goal is to get New Jersey claimants Paid Without Delay
TRENTON – With more than 600,000 people now collecting unemployment in New Jersey, the Department of Labor is helping claimants through the process of certifying for weekly benefits so they receive payment without delay.
The US Labor Department requires unemployment recipients to certify for benefits each week. In New Jersey, that means answering seven questions and attesting to the truthfulness of the answers.
But, the certification questions have proven an obstacle for tens of thousands of filers per week because of their work situation. For example, a worker who expects to be recalled to their job after COVID-19 should nonetheless answer “yes” to the question, Were you actively seeking work?
Answering the certifying questions incorrectly will delay payment of benefits.
That’s why the Labor Department has created a how-to guide to walk claimants through the questions. The how-to guide pops up whenever claimants certify for weekly benefits online, and requires them to check a box verifying that they have read the guide. It is also available on the Department’s website.
The department urges everyone to read the guide before certifying for benefits.
“We are doing everything we can to put the best, most useful information out there and urge everyone to read it before they certify,” said Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo. “This is the process we are required to follow to protect claimants, protect our trust fund’s solvency and protect New Jersey businesses. It’s heartbreaking to hear stories of a single mom or a furloughed dad whose family sustaining payments were held up. It’s even worse when tens of thousands have it held up because of an avoidable, unintentional certification mistake. ”
Answering a question incorrectly will result in a “claim not payable at this time” error message. Unfortunately, there are no do-overs because the answers to these questions may affect benefit eligibility. Agents review the errors, pay the claims that can be paid and contact those from whom additional information is required. But because the number of weekly certifiers is in the hundreds of thousands, correcting the error could take two weeks.
Claimants receive an email when their payment is issued.
The certification questions and interpretations are as follows:
Question 1 - Were you able and available for work?
The answer to this question should be YES if:
- You were physically able to do your work before you lost your job (and you lost your job/hours due to your own coronavirus illness, your need to care for a family/household member with coronavirus, or your employment situation changed because of coronavirus public health emergency); OR
- You are out of work temporarily due to an employer-closure related to the coronavirus and expect to return to your job; OR
- You are able and available for work.
Question 2 - Were you actively seeking work?
If you are waiting to be recalled to your present job, or delaying your job search until this natural emergency ends or subsides, you should answer YES.
Question 3 – Did you refuse any work?
If you refused an offer of work due to concerns related to the travel/stay-at-home restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic, or because you were ill with coronavirus, or because you wouldn’t be able to care for a coronavirus-affected family member, or care for a dependent whose place of care or school is closed because of coronavirus, you should answer NO.
Question 4 - Were you attending school or job training?
If you are a student and just filed this unemployment claim as a result of the coronavirus emergency, and the Division of Unemployment Insurance has not reviewed your school status, please answer NO to this question (even if you are attending school online) at this time.
If you are a student who filed an Unemployment Insurance claim prior to this emergency, and have already provided the department with your school information, and your school is currently closed due to the coronavirus, please answer this question in the same manner (Yes or No) you would have prior to the school closing.
Question 5 – Did you receive holiday or vacation pay for the week beginning mm-dd-2020 and ending mm-dd-2020?
If your separation is temporary and was caused by the coronavirus emergency, please answer NO to this question. However, if you receive any type of wage while you are not working, answer YES TO QUESTION #7 (see below) AND REPORT THE AMOUNT THERE.
Question 6 – Are you receiving or have you applied for a pension or other retirement pay from any of the employers listed below?
You should answer “YES” only if you are currently receiving pension or other retirement benefit payments from one of the employers listed below. If you are currently paying into a pension or other retirement plan but you are not receiving payments, you should answer “NO." If you are receiving pension payments from an employer who is not listed you should also answer “NO."
Question 7 – Did you work between mm-dd-2020 and mm-dd-2020?
If you did any work between the designated dates, answer YES and report what you earned. If you know you will not have work the following week, immediately (no later than Saturday of the week in which you are claiming) follow steps to REOPEN/REASSERT THE CLAIM. If you received holiday/vacation/sick pay from your employer during this week, report that information here.
As of April 24, more than 622,000 people were collecting unemployment in New Jersey, which means they are receiving both their regular unemployment payment plus the additional $600 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) payment as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. More than $1.5 billion in payments and rising has been distributed to workers who have been laid off, furloughed or had their hours reduced.
Though the Labor Department recognizes the frustration of anyone who is not yet receiving benefits, the Department has maintained a 6-day median from the time a claim is filed online until it hits the payment database. From there, approximately 93 percent are starting to receive benefits within 2 weeks.
This information about unemployment claimants in New Jersey is interesting, as it addresses the challenges they face and provides guidance on certifying for benefits. The inclusion of a how-to guide and updates on the distribution of payments under the CARES Act is valuable for claimants. Overall, it offers important insights into the efforts made to support unemployment claimants in the state.
Ive been waiting for 5 months now since i filed my claim on 03/06/2022. The claim has said filed now with an amount in the WBR field for going on 4 months now. Ive spoken to someone at the reemployment call centers maybe 2 times over the past 4 and a 1/2 months from calling just about everyday, every hour that I possibly can. One of those times was right before last weekend on Friday and the lady I spoke with said that this is ridiculous because my claim has just been sitting there, never sent over for determination. I was polite with the lady because it isn't her fault but I did agree that this is absolutely absurd how painstakingly difficult of a time it has been dealing with NJ Unemployment. I still have my claim in limbo, as of today 08/07/2022. All of my fields are showing appropriate numbers, the claim says filed, I have certified for every week so far totaling 22 weeks but still even after certifying today it still says my claim is not payable at this time. The amount of financial stress I am in is way more than somone should have to deal with. I feel helpless.
Hello my name is karee Williams I’m currently on uI New Jersey I was terminated from job due to the death of child so on foward in process being trmin I was trying to apply for unemployment but I I was having technical difficulties emailing the njdol I received a email from them say do I have any recollection of and old email once I realize the old email it worked so that was abt 12 weeks behind claim was acepted on sep 25 2021 so when I finally got on phone with some they noted my back day claim it took at least 3mths from September 25 or. First FRD date October 3. 2021 to receive any type of unemployment payment which I received on December 8 2021 after that had interview on feb 18 2022 to b denied cause I failed to put claim in or I was to late and I was trying to
The whole process is nothing but a scam! NJ collects unemployment insurance payments for 11 years, then when I am furloughed for two months, then have my status changed to CASUAL employee, then after four months, I am called back to work, NJ never allowed me to certify for my approved benefits! NJ NEEDS TO STOP COLLECTING UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PAYMENTS IF THEY WILL NOT PAY THE UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS! State AG and Governor provided NO PRODUCTIVE ASSISTANCE.
Followup: Four months with no unemployment benefits. I am told that the email address I used when I verified my identity did not match the email address I used when I filed my unemployment claim. I then changed my primary email address at the ID.me website to my alternate email address and requested the email address be sent to NJ DOL. Same incorrect error message when I try to certify, and same "incorrect email address" answer when I am able to speak with anyone. I have contacted the NJ DOL, NJ AG, and NJ Governor's office. No one is able or willing to provide any resolution! No one will provide any indication of what email address they think I used when I filed my claim. The DOL acknowledges that they have received my identity verification, yet they will not even provide any clue relating to what email address they are expecting to see. This has gone far beyond being a system to prevent fraud; it has become a system to torment people for simple errors!
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never open new claim, try to REOPEN/REASSERT THE CLAIM old one and all. They extended time more than 26 weeks. Try to call on Fridays - more chances to get talk, because it does not depend on ssn. I got money when open NEW claim after already got job and worked 4 months and as result payed half of credit for my car.
Constantly receive error: The benefit year on your unemployment claim dated 07-11-21 has expired. Contacted someone who explained that I had not verified my identity. Never told to do that. I verified identity 13 August and was told that it would take two days to process. Tried to certify and received the same error. Contacted someone and was told that it would take 15 days to process. It is now 20 days after verifying identity and I still get the same error. I am unable to get through on the phone after dialing the number 120 times. NJ DoL needs to provide a method to contact them other than the same numbers used to file and certify claims. They also need to provide an email address that people can contact them with questions. And, most of all, THEY NEED TO PROVIDE ERROR MESSAGES THAT EXPLAIN THE PROBLEM THAT MUST BE CORRECTED. A message that says my year has expired during the month the claim was filed is not just a disservice, it is a symptom of incompetence and lack of concern and respect for the people that they are supposed to be serving.
Try calling between 8-8:30am and 8:45-9am you will get message to stay on the phone or leave phone number where a real agent will contact you once they reach your turn.Trust me i got through i left my phone number so agent can call me back and they reached out same day around 5pm. Good luck
You have repeated my exact thoughts!!! I applied for Unemployment back in November of 2019!! And according to THEIR NEW RULES, my claim SHOULD have been reviewed in November of 2020. IT WASNT reviewed because I still had 1week remaining from last Trump EXTENSION!! I did not EXHAUST my benefits at all! According to both presidents, I was granted another 11 weeks. Which, for me, started one week BEFORE THE LAST ONE ENDED. My extension from 2020 ran into the first week of January 2021. And by that time, the 11 week extension had already started. During a crisis like this, there’s no reason to REVIEW anything!! The extensions given out by the President himself are the only reason anyone has collected for more than 12 months. For them to say “every claim that exceeds 12 months needs to be reviewed” is ridiculous. If there wasn’t a pandemic? NO ONE IN JERSEY WOULD BE ALLOWED TO COLLECT FOR MORE THAN 12 months!! Are they kidding??? Anyone who’s ever collected UI knows you get 6 months, and then a POSSIBLE 6 month extension. AND THEN THATS IT!! But I played along. The week of December 26th was the last week I was allowed to certify. Even tho I still HAD ONE MORE WEEK of the 2020 extension. My claim status was FILED and had a dollar amount in the WBR!! Which means (by their OWN RULES) do NOTHING. CLAIMS ARE REVIEWED AUTOMATICALLY. So I patiently waited. And on February 4th I received and email from the NJDOL apologizing for the delay. Two days later I received another email from the NJDOL telling me 11 weeks of benefits have been added to my claim balance (and I have the screen shot to prove it) and I should begin my regular certification on my regular day. And I should keep certifying as long as that option presents itself. After certifying ONE WEEK, getting the confirmation email, AND the $300 relief on top of that? I began to certify for the weeks that we’re missed. Only to be stopped by an ERROR message “can not process your claim at this time”. Called the DOL and the nice woman told me the truth. And I know she was truthful because they took responsibility for the ERROR message. She told me the dates were wrong. Wasn’t specific about which ones, but I knew which ones already. They should have NEVER stopped my certification for a review because as I said earlier, the last extension under president Trump put me one week into Biden’s 11 week extension. So there was NO LAPSE OR EXHAUSTION OF BENEFITS. All of us were getting these benefits because of the bill that was passed! Not because of The NJDOL being nice people!! The woman who told me the dates were wrong personally pushed my problem to the right department, apologized, and told me that unfortunately I would have to wait 2-4 weeks. I was relieved!! A month passed and I still heard nothing. I called AGIAN and spoke to another woman who wasn’t so nice. According to her? And she says this to me as if she were my mother yelling at me for not taking out the trash! She said “SIR! you needed to call when your 12 months were up so we could then begin the review process and now You’ll have to wait another 8 WEEKS” ?????? This woman doesn’t even know what’s on the NJDOL website! I then told her that my CLAIM WAS REVIEWED AUTOMATICALLY! And it was already approved. She told me I was wrong and that I needed to watch my tone! I asked her to tell me what my balance was at that very time. There’s was silence, so I asked her if it’s policy for the DOL to deposit $8,000+ Into everyone’s claim balance BEFORE ITS REVIEWED? She hung up on me. I have the entire conversation recorded. After that I requested 3 call backs and I received all 3. I also received 3 dail tones as they ALL HUNG UP ON ME! In 14 days I’ll be 16 weeks behind with my child support. I’ve since lost my apartment, lost the car I purchased 18 months prior, lost $30k I had saved for a two family home, and soon I will lose the one room box I’m currently NOT SLEEPING in. I will be out on the street. My job? my career? A career that paid 6 figures? Is now ruined. “PEOPLE” were hired at half my rate! A career I’ve been in for 35+ years GONE!! Every thing is gone. Including the most important thing. The one thing I really need. My good credit score. Thats gone as well. You are asking yourself “why doesn’t he just get a job” Well I would have worked 5 jobs pumping gas. My parents were broke and the home I grew up in was falling apart. My father had kidney failure and my niece was pregnant and a heroin addict! I moved away years ago. When I came back? One month before this pandemic? It was a mess. And that baby boy who miraculously came out healthy? Was not going to a foster home. I took care of that baby boy the entire time his dad got treatment. Everything worked out for that boy!! I’ll end this with another short story about what the NJDOL is doing to my 19 year old daughter who’s currently putting HERSELF thru college. That makes me feel like a real dad! She could not work part time as a waitress due to the virus. She applied for unemployment. Was approved for unemployment. Received every extension, and the $600 & $300 extra each week. She’s currently into the next extension that will take her thru September. She recently received an email from the wonderful NJDOL. This wasn’t your standard email. It was a threatening email. Telling her she needs to provide proof of the job she MIGHT have had, and proof of the money she MIGHT have made 12 MONTHS AGO!! And if she doesn’t provide this information? They said she’ll have to pay back EVERY DOLLAR! Including penalties. Now this is a 19 year old who doesn’t know anything about unemployment, and only filed because I told her she’s entitled to it! If anyone thinks the DOL didn’t know her age and hasn’t sent that same email to all the younger men and woman collecting? Your sadly mistaken. She’s currently maintaining a 3.9 GPA and has been on the deans list every semester! Because many of the restaurants in New Jersey are either closed or at half capacity, she cannot find a job one or two days a week. So while she’s in college, paying full price for AT HOME COLLEGE, she’s also caring for THAT baby boy now. (I didn’t have the means to care for him as I once did)She does all of this While studying and taking exams! This once confident young woman is now scared to death of something they CAN NOT DO!! They can’t take back money or demand documentation for something she already provided 12 months ago!! I hope they try!! And I hope to GOD HIMSELF that someone from the DOL reads this story. Cause I want them to know, because of there lack of CARING? I’ll most likely be dead before 2022! And a once happy, looking forward to life young lady. Who BELIEVED in the system. And studied hard to achieve that believe? Will NEVER be the same! New Jersey? You might be the worst state in the history of this friggan country!!! I’m disgusted with every last one of you working there. Because MY PROBLEM? Isn’t just mine! SO MANY LIVES ARE BEING DESTROYED BECAUSE OF YOUR INABILITY TO DO YOUR JOB!! “Every claim gets reviewed automatically after 12 months” if anyone was lucky enough to collect for more than 12 months before this pandemic? You’re a liar!!! As far as I’m concerned? All these claim reviews are pointless, time consuming, and are being used as a cover. Anyone who filed a tax return within the last 3 years should be getting a check from the government!! I’m 50 years old, and all I care about are my daughters. I don’t want what happened to me, to happen to them!! For all you Trump haters currently suffering my demise? You deserve this. Will I get my money? Absolutely. But it will be TOO LATE and my girls will get it. What the government is doing right now is simply called “rotating the stock”. New Jersey has more unemployed Americans then the entire country as a whole! And instead of paying EVERY ONE at the same time? They’re pushing the ones who collected already to the back and payin the newbies. Trump was here for one thing. Take out the garbage. He wasn’t as eloquent as president Obama was while reading his predetermined “talk to the people speech” off the teleprompter. As embarrassing as he was when speaking, he was for US! For the average American that can’t save money and own a house! And you idiotic millennials? Ya think you know! You know SQUAT!!! You will soon learn your mistake!! I’ve seen the US send billions to a third world country AS OF THEY WERE LEAVING A TIP GOR A WAITRESS. BUT WHEN IT COUNTS HERE? No no no. We need to stand on one leg and recite the alphabet backwards!!! Say a prayer for me!!! Say a prayer for yourself!!! And say one for this country!! A broke a$$ man!
File for welfare. You will be eligible for emergencies rental assistance. They will pay your back rent up to 3 months and continue to pay until your unemployment releases. Plus you’ll get at least 400$ in food stamps. Sad but you can’t be on the street.
I filled in August! It’s now nearing March and I haven’t received a penny. I’ve waited 7 months so far !! I feel moved to tears when I think of it. I’m told every time I call that a claims examiner needs to manually fix an end of year glitch in the system. I have been told repeatedly to wait 4 to 6 weeks for someone to manually fix the error that occurred on their part. Not to mention I’ve been hung up on several times. I can’t believe this could happen in America. I think they are hoping people give up.
I filed my unemployment claim 5/31/2020 today is January 8th 2021 and I still have not received anything. There was an error in my claim in June and since then my claim has been being “escalated” after I was approved back in June. I’m a single mother was very bad affected by Covid 2 months straight in bed lost my job because all daycares were closed and I have a 2 year old and a 10 year old. Now my claim shows as filed with the WBR $ but I call and they still have no information on my claim status. What is aggravating is I see so many people that aren’t in need so many even working off the books and receiving money and the ones who really needed it have gotten nothing.
i am trying to certify for UI benefits online while waiting to hear from Appeal Tribunal, but the website is not letting me, my claim is active but obviously my benefits have run out, but i know that if my appeal is succesful i can collect for these weeks and that i need to certify, anyone know how to certify while awaiting decision, or document that you have been certifying
I've had a problem that when I call the UI I have a balance, however when I go online my balance is $0. I am very confused on why when I call they tell me I still have a balance remaining but when I go online on the UI website I don't.
O my goodness we are going through the same exact thing what the hell is going on please keep in touch with me to tell me your progress my email address rececup395@gmail.com
Dont worry about your claim status. Find your day based on SS# and just click link that says CERTIFY WEEKLY BENEFITS .. but ONLY during your specific day and time.
Just do it online!
Hello! If anyone has info, please share. Filed claim 3/15. Claim has been marked as "filed" with a $ amount remaining for over 2 1/2 months and I received an email and letters in the mail confirming the same and saying I could start claiming as of 6/21. Each time I go on to claim it says I need to speak with a rep to complete this claim and now (as of today) says claim cannot be processed. I was able to speak with reps twice within the last 3 weeks who were both very nice but said they couldn't help any further and needed to submit a tech ticket to resolve the issue. They informed that I should receive a call from unemployment within a week and its been 3. I still haven't heard anything and still cannot claim. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Hello! If anyone has info, please share. Filed claim 3/15. Claim has been marked as "filed" with a $ amount remaining for over 2 1/2 months and I received an email and letters in the mail confirming the same and saying I could start claiming as of 6/21. Each time I go on to claim it says I need to speak with a rep to complete this claim and now (as of today) says claim cannot be processed. I was able to speak with reps twice within the last 3 weeks who were both very nice but said they couldn't help any further and needed to submit a tech ticket to resolve the issue. They informed that I should receive a call from unemployment within a week and its been 3. I still haven't heard anything and still cannot claim. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Hi. Couple days
We’re you able to collect your benefits yet?
Possible illegal practice by NJDOL, read below and if someone else experincing this we can sue the state: Please someone Help me, I was approved for PUA, I certified this week and 2 previous week (completing the 7 questions each time) on my initial UI application which was denied ofcourse to be eligible for PUA, I clearly said my last day of employment was March 15th (BUT PUA certification only let me go back to the date I first filed which is May 31st not from the time I stopped work (that would have been March 15th). There is no option or anyone to ask how to backdate or how can I receive the missing PUA from March 15th to May 31st??? PLEASE HELP New jersey state if doing this with many claims can pocket Millions by not paying out individuals according to the correct day they stopped working but they pay them by the date they filled the application. That is illegal and if someone else in the same situation we literally can sue the state (NJDOL) because the LAW states: https://wdr.doleta.gov/dire... (I am qouting the PDF above which is a letter instruction all states to backdate claims of PUA) 4. Question: Is an individual required to demonstrate good cause to backdate a PUA claim? Answer: No. An individual does not need to demonstrate good cause to backdate a PUA claim. Rather, the claim must be backdated to the first week during the Pandemic Assistance Period that the individual was unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work because of a COVID-19 related reason listed in section 2102(a)(3)(A)(ii)(I) of the CARES Act.
Yes. Please read my comment under my post.
that woldn't work for me ,my claim time is at 6.30 pm,nobody woldn't answer a phone a that time,ahhh lucky me.
Could someone please help me with this,for the last 3 weeks I was been able to claim for the extended benefits,I got the message,it cannot be processed,my year ended on June 21,last week,should I open a new claim?they aproved my extended benefits,thats why I am confused.
Its a glitch in the system
HI how long did it take for them to issue you a payment after you spoke to an agent? Im so fustrated!
Did you get any results yet?
Hey can you let me know how things worked out for you still waiting for mine
Same thing happened to me!
How long did it take for them to release your benefits?
You are so right!
Hi Mark, Did you also receive the additional 600/week for the 10 weeks? If so, how long after your direct deposit did you receive it and is it direct deposited like your weekly benefits or did it come by mail in a card? Thank you! KS
i noticed you faced the same issue i am in, did they get to pay you later from the date you stopped working? according to PUA all claims should backdated to the day we stopped working but for me I also was able to go back only to the day I filled. so i am missing 2 months of payments!? Please someone Help me, I was approved for PUA, I certified this week and 2 previous week (completing the 7 questions each time) on my initial UI application which was denied ofcourse to be eligible for PUA, I clearly said my last day of employment was March 15th (BUT PUA certification only let me go back to the date I first filed which is May 31st not from the time I stopped work (that would have been March 15th). There is no option or anyone to ask how to backdate or how can I receive the missing PUA from March 15th to May 31st??? PLEASE HELP New jersey state if doing this with many claims can pocket Millions by not paying out individuals according to the correct day they stopped working but they pay them by the date they filled the application. That is illegal and if someone else in the same situation we literally can sue the state (NJDOL) because the LAW states: https://wdr.doleta.gov/dire... (I am qouting the PDF above which is a letter instruction all states to backdate claims of PUA) 4. Question: Is an individual required to demonstrate good cause to backdate a PUA claim? Answer: No. An individual does not need to demonstrate good cause to backdate a PUA claim. Rather, the claim must be backdated to the first week during the Pandemic Assistance Period that the individual was unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work because of a COVID-19 related reason listed in section 2102(a)(3)(A)(ii)(I) of the CARES Act.
Possible illegal practice by NJDOL, read below and if someone else experincing this we can sue the state: Please someone Help me, I was approved for PUA, I certified this week and 2 previous week (completing the 7 questions each time) on my initial UI application which was denied ofcourse to be eligible for PUA, I clearly said my last day of employment was March 15th (BUT PUA certification only let me go back to the date I first filed which is May 31st not from the time I stopped work (that would have been March 15th). There is no option or anyone to ask how to backdate or how can I receive the missing PUA from March 15th to May 31st??? PLEASE HELP New jersey state if doing this with many claims can pocket Millions by not paying out individuals according to the correct day they stopped working but they pay them by the date they filled the application. That is illegal and if someone else in the same situation we literally can sue the state (NJDOL) because the LAW states: https://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/attach/UIPL/UIPL_16-20_Change_1.pdf (I am qouting the PDF above which is a letter instruction all states to backdate claims of PUA) 4. Question: Is an individual required to demonstrate good cause to backdate a PUA claim? Answer: No. An individual does not need to demonstrate good cause to backdate a PUA claim. Rather, the claim must be backdated to the first week during the Pandemic Assistance Period that the individual was unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work because of a COVID-19 related reason listed in section 2102(a)(3)(A)(ii)(I) of the CARES Act.
Hi Zach, I saw your post last week and thought maybe this will finally work. I had not tried to attempt it the way you suggested. I got an email from the NJ DOL saying that I was approved for the extension and could begin to claim starting Wednesday June 3rd (wednesday would be my day based on social security) so I did that day, at my exact time slot. Now because this is an extension for me I already knew how to answer the questions and had not had any problems prior to June 3rd. Still I reviewed the instructions several times. Didn't even get to the questions it automatically said (once I put my social and pin) that I had to speak to a rep. So for the last 3 weeks straight I've been calling everyday first thing at 8:30am when they open and keep getting the "call back next day". Eventually I went from trying to speak to someone to just attempting to claim and the second week it magically let me answer the questions (via phone) instead of automatically telling me I have to speak to a claims rep. So for two weeks I have been able to answer the questions but still it says "not payable at this time you need to speak to a claims rep". Saw your post last week and decided to give it a try since out of desperation I was calling on sundays and mondays to claim instead of my specific day and although I was able to answer the questions I couldn't get through to anyone. Anywho tried it your way today and no luck. It's not 11:05a and I've been calling since 8:30a. Only this time it said it was having system issues when I was on the last question and disconnected me and now it shows as me not claiming for this week and it won't let me answer the questions just says I need to speak to a rep again. I've been calling since they opened and am calling as we speak. Praying that someone picks up because this is the last week I have any money left and I'm TERRIFIED of what will happen if my bills get backed up. I've tried EVERYTHING I can think of. I sent many emails and continue to get automated replies. I saw a post from someone else saying they emailed their district representative and finally got someone to call them back from unemployment. I tried that and nothing. I emailed the one-stop career counselor who helped me with the school paperwork (her office is literally in the unemployment office) she didn't want to help she just said "i'm not unemployment you'll have to call them". I'm beginning to panic. No clue what else I can do besides keep calling until they close but at this point after reading so many posts I wonder if it's just a waste of time. although at this point I have no other choice. In tears, KS
Oh yes I did follow your approach and talked to a live agent. It did not work for the first time but i kept on trying. Went through after the 4th time. So do not give up although you would be told to try the next day. Keep trying.. you will eventually go thru. Good luck bro.
Awesome! Were u able to finally speak to someone by following my directions, calling that number and claiming by phone after which the automated system transferred you to wait on hold before real person picks up and assists you? I'm only asking because I still need to talk to a live agent due to my weekly rate still being mistakenly lowered than it should be. Unlike others who encountered this problem and were made right following a day after their initial deposit with an additional deposit making up the difference they were missing on top of having their weekly base rate amount fixed the following week, a week after my deposit of all back weeks, each were for the wrong amount and I never received another deposit making it right.... AND I just claimed again & its still displaying the wrong amount.....$16 per week looking at $160 I need to get.... When will I stop having to get ahold of these people???
Hi, Thank you very much for assisting. It worked out and today I was able to talk to someone after calling 4 times tho. All my 10 weeks were paid and I am expecting to have the direct deposit early next week. God bless.
I called like 8am. You want it to take you to the automated system to file weekly. Try to file normally as u would online just by phone. If you're in the same situation as me, after filling, an automated message will come up saying pretty much that you're unable to successfully file at this time and you need to talk to a rep. It's then that you'll be transferred to talk to a rep. You'll probably have to wait a long time but eventually a live person will answer. That's when you tell them wtf has been happening. Doesn't matter about employers or anything, just dates. When you were approved, how much, when was the last time u were able to claim before being blocked on the computer ... If they need more clarification, let them know that you believe the reason for this slip up is due to the system figuring out if you should open a new claim or be allowed to continue under an extension. Since your claim amount should be at zero, the system needs to file you under the extension and the person should be able to straighten you out then and there. When you can file again online, once u answer the questions successfully & your taken to the confirmation page, BEFORE EXITING, SCROLL DOWN AND SEE IF THERE'S A 3RD BUTTON IN THE MIDDLE WHICH SAYS CLAIM ADDITIONAL WEEKS. IF THERE IS REPEAT THE CLAIM PROCESS AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN UNTIL THE BUTTON DOESN'T APPEAR ANYMORE. I just received 9 weeks worth of back pay so if you're owed it make sure to do it as asap because it won't always be there. End of July, no more $600/ week federal payments... good luck
Okay thank for your response. When i try to call and go through the claiming approach, the line automatically wants to take me to the automated filing. But I do not need to because I have already been approved and the letter was sent to me. I should may be try early in the morning. What sort of questions where you asked when you spoke to someone? Did they ask you about your employers, wage info. etc.. The reason I am asking is because I want to if the questions are the same as when using the automated system. Please help me and let me know. If you are able to, you can also call me on 732.640.7513. Thnx
As I understand it, if yours is the same as mine, the reason for the complications is due to ur claim having to be reviewed to see if you should continue on the extension or file a new claim. Since you don’t have enough for a new claim you will be continuing on the extension. It's because of that stupid matter that messed everything up. If you're still in need of fixing ur claim, there's a phone number you call to claim. (732) 761- 2020 or 2021. When I tried to call an automated message told me I had to wait until Tuesday to claim. When I called back Tues. & entered my info it said I had to talk to a rep and actually put me thru to talk to an actual person. I had to wait a long time but I did talk to an actual rep. Hope this helps some peeps out! If u call this number without trying to claim benefits it will continuously tell u that their lines are busy and call the next day, and the same even if u try the next day. YOU MUST TRY TO CLAIM AND IF THE AUTO MESSAGE SAYS IT'S NOT UR DAY THEN U MUST TRY AGAIN FIRST THING ON THAT DAY. ONLY AFTER THAT WILL YOU BE SENT ON HOLD TO WAIT FOR AN ACTUAL PERSON THAT WILL HELP YOU
Oh yes my benefits had exhausted.. I actually never filed but I was instead file for by the labor department for the federal extension benefits and they sent me a letter by mail of eligibility for the same. They also sent me an email stating the my eligibility for the PEUC plus the 600. But each time I try to certify as per instructions, I get the same message. Your claim cannot be processed. Call.... So did you by any luck get any solution to this? If so please share and advice on the steps. Thanking you in advance.
Hi Zach, I have exactly the same problem as described in your case above. If you were able to get through, please share with me the information as i am in disparate need of my UI claim's income. Thanks
i file a claim the end of april and have not receive a penny i cannot get in touch with any pl some one tell me what to do my name is derrick scott number 732-737-4749 i do not have any money and i do not know to get in touch with unemployment
I still had error message. Other one - "Your claim is not payable at this time.... If you do not know why your claim is not payable, please call your nearest Reemployment Call Center"
Hi! I have filed my Unemployment Claim on March 15, 2020. But after that I worked for three weeks. Claims Examiner during phone call asked me about my earnings for each week (for week ending 3/21, 3/28 and 4/4). That's it.
Okay so when you did reopen your claim, did that take away the error message? or you still had to go through the congressman etc..
Hi, I have exactly the same problem as you did. Could you please share some of the questions that were asked from you by the agent. This could give me light as to which approach to use. Whether it is to reopen or refile.. I do not know. Can be reached at maurice.kabeireho@gmail.com. thnx
Hi Zach, I have a situation like the one you are describing here. I exhausted my benefits. However, NJDOL sent me a written notice of eligibility for the extension. They also sent me an email as when to start certifying. Been trying but still getting the same error message.... cannot be processed. Now something interesting here.. when i make a phone claim inquiry, they tell me my actual balance remaining, but on the website it still shows a 0 balance remaining. So I am a bit confused. Any help will be great. Thnx
Hi Saroj, I am having the same exact problem like you had. It is now been 4 weeks and each tyme i try to certify, i get the same message... cannot be processed. Did you finally get any break through? And if so pliz share with the any knowledge. Thank you
Hi, i am having similar issues with my claim. Could you please forward to me the email that you were able to communicate to the labor dept and if that helped. Thanking you in advance
If you're having the same issue as me as you're getting that same message, I believe it's due to the system questioning whether or not you should open a new claim or be included in the extension. Did you recently file under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance to reopen an older claim in which its benefits have been exhausted?
I am having the exact same issue. I cannot get through either. I am so frustrated. They even sent me a letter in the mail over the weekend saying they determined that I am eligible!
Does somebody know how long it takes to start receiving extra 600$ payment?
Yea, I don't know. I cant open a new claim as I just got approved for this one. I successfully filled 1 weeks ago but when I tried days ago on Friday v is v when I encountered the message. I need to speak to an actual human being from unemployment so they can straighten my stuff out but don't know how, been trying to no avail.
It was before. Due to my own mistake or system glitch (I don't really remember) I got message "Your certification cannot be processed. Your have not claimed recent weeks of benefits, and considered to be out of reporting status. To pursue further benefits, you must reopen/reassert your unemployment insurance claim at www.njuifile.net". So, my next step was reopen/reassert unemployment insurance claim.
The NJ unemployment website says the maximum payment is $731 though.
Thanks for replying to my comment, really appreciate it. I will definitely try that. Can I ask, when you were getting the message. "Your Certification cannot be processed," was it before you actually got paid any benefits or after? I was able to claim for 1 week successfully & then got this message when trying to claim the 2nd week. Doesn't make any sense why this is happening since I just got a reward letter confirming my claim.
To resolve my problem I contacted with the office of my district congressman. I have written the detailed letter with all circumstances of my long and hard way to get Unemployment benefits. Finally, with the help of the office's staffs I was reached my goal - call from Unemployment Call Center. Try the same way.
Hello, I just posted this same reply on someone else's comment and desperately need some help. In order to save me from going insane in just going to cut & paste what I wrote there. Could you offer any insight or help to my situation please? I've been scouring thru search results looking for anything related to my problem and only found your comment. I too am getting an error message saying, "you're certification cannot be processed." Could you provide some additional insight please? What are the circumstances surrounding you getting this error message. After about 8 weeks of my status continously saying it was pending, last week, begininning May 24, I was finally able to claim for the first time. I wasn't aware that I could claim additional back pay so I just claimed for that current week. It went thru successfully. It listed my remaining balance & everything. However, even though I received an email from them confirming I could claim the same day next week, after inputting my ssi# & pin I was greeted only with that error message, "you're certification cannot be processed." I didn't even make it to the 7 questions. It makes no sense! Is this scenario similar to yours when coming across that same message? I'm hoping since you haven't posted anything in about 23 days that you were able to get your issues resolved. You know how infuriating this entire ordeal can be & an hoping you could help me resolve mine either with an accurate phone number or an email address that isn't full... or something. Idk, sorry fur the long comment. I'm just desperate for any sort of help
Hello, I was hoping you could help me. I've been scouring thru search results looking for anything related to my problem and only found your comment. I too am getting an error message saying, "you're certification cannot be processed." Could you provide some additional insight please? What are the circumstances surrounding you getting this error message. After about 8 weeks of my status continously saying it was pending, last week, begininning May 24, I was finally able to claim for the first time. I wasn't aware that I could claim additional back pay so I just claimed for that current week. It went thru successfully. It listed my remaining balance & everything. However, even though I received an email from them confirming I could claim the same day next week, after inputting my ssi# & pin I was greeted only with that error message, "you're certification cannot be processed." I didn't even make it to the 7 questions. It makes no sense! Is this scenario similar to yours when coming across that same message? I'm hoping since you haven't posted anything in about 23 days that you were able to get your issues resolved. You know how infuriating this entire ordeal can be & an hoping you could help me resolve mine either with an accurate phone number or an email address that isn't full... or something. Idk, sorry fur the long comment. I'm just desperate for any sort of help
Yesterday (June 6, 2020) I had phone call from Claims Examiner and I have answered all her questions. After that my Unemployment insurance benefit payment has been processed and sent to the bank for deposit into DEBIT CARD account. I was paid for all eligible weeks. Happy End.
Yes IM having that issue.after getting my back pay. i
Yes it did that with me and my dumb@$$ didn’t research before filing the thing again. As it took me back to njufile. I hope I didn’t screw this up. They need to start being more specific on these error messages. My thing was processed and approved today was supposed to be my first day to claim. Now I screwed it up because it told me to reopen/reassert.
Hey I was sent an email by njdol. It told me I was able to claim benefits today. When I tried to claim told me it couldn’t be processed and I didn’t claim previous weeks and to reopen or reassert the claim. Now I didn’t know what to do because it sent me back the njufile site. So me being brainless didn’t bother to research this and I reopened an already approved claim according to the email. I don’t know why it told me to refile, but I was approved before that. I better get everything I’m owed. They need better explanations for these error messages. As my dumb butt just reopened an already opened claim.
My daughter did hers 2 weeks before me and she was approved the following week! How does this happen a kid 17 years old gets approved and I am waiting a month!
7 days my ass!!
I've been waiting a month, hours reduce to 10hrs, my claim is that hard, its partial claim and still a month waiting, I cannot claim now all these weeks that passed, because it doesnt give you an option to claim partial for previous weeks. It's still pending, I called, it hanged up on me after waiting. They would speed up the process if they would talk to people. This is utter b.s!!!
Has anyone tried taking this story to the media? I've been waiting to get my pin since early April. My application still says pending. This is ridiculous!
This comes back stating as of 5/26/2020 any email to this address will not be reviewed.
Was the issue solved ? Or still pending ?
Any update? I'm in the same boat - worked in Exchange Place but live in NYC. All my withholdings went pretty much to NJ. My official furlough date was 4/6/2020 and I filed soon after. Ever since I've been "Pending". They emailed a questionnaire the day after I filed and I submitted it but haven't seen any change to my status going on 7 weeks now. I figured the delay was be cause I live in NYC but seeing all these stories it looks like they have their heads in the sand and are hoping people get called back to work before they pay out to mitigate the complaints.
Um, it's not congress... It's McConnell's Senate. Congress voted to pass another $3 trillion relief bill. Senate didn't even discuss it. Put the blame where it belongs if you want to bring the federal government into this.
I was directed to a reassertion claim when I went to file last week and then was not able to claim my weekly benefits. It says I can file a claim next week. Has this happened to anyone h
This coming from a guy who says "most dumbest"... So much for our educational system
My claim from last summer was reopened EARLY April. Tomorrow is week #6 with the same 'not payable at this time' message. I have a unique situation because I owe NJ DOL money but I have plenty left on my balance to cover it. COVID-19 is scary but a month ago i realized that starving in my apartment and falling behind in rent are pushing me over the edge. If 1 casino was open i would have already jumped and killed myself now. I work in an elementary school and they have been closed for 2 months. Now, another 3 months or until September. There is NO WAY they pass another $1200 stimulus check. All of a SUDDEN, now they refuse to help us regular folks. Isnt it awfully convenient. Congress is so corrupted. When the people need help, NOW we need to worry about the debt all of a sudden. Middle and lower middle classes have been crushed. I've given up hope. Even if there was a glitch on my state unemployment, why cant I receive the PUA ($600) provided in CARES ACT. I simply can't even get a response and it's been 3 full weeks since my state assemblyman forwarded my case to the NJ DOL. I lost my freaking teacher aide job in early March. I'm sitting at HOME now catatonic and starving. I know how busy it is but you should be able to receive help or even get a response in 3-4 weeks. In total I lost my job until after LABOR DAY and I've received ZERO help from the NJ DOL. Is $1200 enough to get by in 2 full months?? It's laughable, but I'm not laughing anymore. I'm crying considering the easiest solution is to off myself. I cant continue to suffer day after day, week after week, and month after month. This has been a total nightmare (sh*tshow). I'm tired of being patient and keeping my mouth shut. I owe 5 bills for May alone and another 7 in the mail for June. Good luck everybody, READY TO DIE
That helps a lot, thank you for helping Carol!
A response would be greatly appreciated.
I recieved the 3 Monday and still haven’t recieved the 600. I am banking on that right to feed my household. I appreciate every help I’m getting. But the inconsistency really is affecting everybody! I should be able to hold and wait but it’s not just me I’m feeding. My family has to eat!!!
It prob changed to Pending because you added info and it is being reviewed. It took me 5 wks before I saw a change from pending to filed with a dollar amount rather than zero. If your claim is for regular unemployment (you receive a W-2 at the end of the year from your employer) those claims are moving faster than those who get a 1099 at year end (self employed, GIG workers, etc) and we have to be rejected for regular UE and then we get moved over to Pandemic UE - so if you get a W-2 you might get your claim processed in about 10 days rather than 5 wks.
If you didn't work that week the answer is NO - if you haven't worked since March and didn't work that week you are filing for benefits then the answer is NO - only time it is YES is if you worked the week inquestion - you will need to report the amount you made and then you will not get benefits for that week, however, if you don't work the next week you have to reopen your claim. Hope that helps
I filed my claim on 5/17 so I know I will also have to wait for a while, but my question is this, as soon as I filed my claim it showed “Filed” with no dollar amount. The next day I got an e-adjudication form that I filled out and immediately returned. That night my claim showed “Pending” again with no dollar amount. How long did you wait before your claim actually showed a dollar amount?
This is truly a disaster thousands of NJ residents are suffering during ghtis world wide pandemic due to the complete neglect of local government. Something has to be done. We have been taxed and and more than payed our dues to be swept to the side like this. SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE
I applied and was told to certify online yesterday when I cerified for the 2 weeks available I followed the instructions to a tee but they still told me not payable at this time so if I answered the exact way they told me why is it wrong. I also can call any reemployment center like the email told me as they are closed
Thank you for helping!!
From my experience you have to answer NO. If your claim is not payable at this time please send inquire to Benefits@dol.nj.gov with the detailed description of your problem. It is works.
If someone can help, I'd be truly grateful. I have a question in regards to question #7 on the set of the NJ weekly certification questions. Question #7 - “Did you work between 05-10-2020 and 05-16-2020?” If I did not work since March 2020, and I will not be working due to job loss, do I answer it as “No”? I carefully read the guidelines but I dont see a clear answer to this question unlike the other 6 questions they clearly explain either to select “yes” or “no”. According to NJ Dol guidelines they wrote this for question #7. "Question 7 – Did you work between mm-dd-2020 and mm-dd-2020? “If you did any work between the designated dates, answer YES and report what you earned. If you know you will not have work the following week, immediately (no later than Saturday of the week in which you are claiming) follow steps to REOPEN/REASSERT THE CLAIM. If you received holiday/vacation/sick pay from your employer during this week, report that information here.” But I have not worked since March and I dont have any work in the foreseeable future at the moment. So do I answer “no” to this question or do I have to answer “yes” and then input $0.00 earned for last week at another page that maybe it directs you to after typing "yes"? I have always answered this question with a "no", but I'm wondering if I am answering it incorrectly and maybe that being the reason why it says my claim is not payable at this time. Please help! Thank you!!!
Thanks for sharing valuable info! I have a question in regards to question #7 on the set of the NJ weekly certification questions. Question #7 - “Did you work between 05-10-2020 and 05-16-2020?” If I did not work since March 2020, and I will not be working due to job loss, do I answer it as “No”? I carefully read the guidelines but I dont see a clear answer to this question unlike the other 6 questions they clearly explain either to select “yes” or “no”. According to NJ Dol guidelines they wrote this for question #7. "Question 7 – Did you work between mm-dd-2020 and mm-dd-2020? “If you did any work between the designated dates, answer YES and report what you earned. If you know you will not have work the following week, immediately (no later than Saturday of the week in which you are claiming) follow steps to REOPEN/REASSERT THE CLAIM. If you received holiday/vacation/sick pay from your employer during this week, report that information here.” But I have not worked since March and I dont have any work in the foreseeable future at the moment. So do I answer “no” to this question or do I have to answer “yes” and then input $0.00 earned for last week at another page that it directs you to after typing "yes"? I have always answered this question with a "no", but I'm wondering if I am answering it incorrectly and maybe that being the reason why it says my claim is not payable at this time. Please help! Thank you!!!
I don't think that the error message "Your certification cannot be processed" is coming for self-employed cases only. I am not self-employed but I am still getting this message. I tried many times to talk to an agent but could not. The automated call response system hangs up on me every time I try to call.
Did you talk to agent? My claim status says 'Filed' with all the '0'. I filed claim on 4/12 after that i received an email on 4/21 to fill up a form 'e-Adjudication', i did and i got automated reply that they will reply back within 2 weeks. Waiting game is still on its almost 3 and half week now and haven't heard from them. Tried calling everyday and there isn't anyone on the phone just automated voice instruction and hung up tune. I got mail, i got email about i am eligibility for the pandemic crisis, and when i try to certify i get "Your certification cannot be processed". Every week i try and both the times of the week but same prompted text on screen. I think we self-employed cases are handled differently than the regular one. Hope they solve it soon. Please, keep updating even if you get the benefit. Thank you
I'm a resident of NJ. My date of claim is 3/29. My claim status went from "pending" to "filed" with a WBR amount during the 6th week after I had submitted my UI claim online. However, every time I certify for my weekly benefits I receive a confirmation email with a confirmation number stating that my claim has been received BUT it always says "YOUR CLAIM IS NOT PAYABLE AT THIS TIME" I have been calling everyday trying to get a live person to help me because me and my family are being buried under debt right now due to job losses because of the pandemic. I have emailed and all I got was auto generated response that did not even come close to addressing my concern. This is beyond exhausting, stressful, and really losing all hope. I have children to feed! I have poured into the system all my life and when I need help, I can't even get a penny's worth of help! NJ really has to step up and really help. I think all of us have been very patient.
I'm on furloughed, so week on, week off. Was able to received my first week claim in April, but now trying to process my second week off and after certifying my claim, it then requirement me to "Reopen the claim". I get this message: "Your application could not be processed because you may already have an existing claim." I assume this is due to the backlogged? As once this goes though, and then I can refile the claim the money will be process? Anyone have this experience?
thank you. I am hoping I get some news soon. Still shows pending today. it's insane how long this is taking.
when you go to the unemployment page and click "claim my weekly benefit" there is a page that pops up asking why/how your job was impacted. from there you just file the basic unemployment claim questions. I only know this from helping a friend. I am still "pending" since April 2. they say 4 weeks max- but that is clearly a lie.
I live in Pennsylvania but I work in NJ. I filed my claim on 3/22. I have an approval and a weekly benefit rate. I have not seen a penny. I was on NBC 10 news in Philadelphia still nothing. I'm extremely frustrated and have maybe a week before I am completely depleted. I will no longer stand by our government. Everyone now is worried about summer events. I could give a rat's ass. I'm worried about survival now. They should take care of the American people first. Point blank. They are still receiving a paycheck we are not. I have lost faith in the government. This is really going to impact lots of people towards them. If it was up to me I would tell everyone in America to not even vote. I apologize for venting but this is real life now. Instead of focusing on the stats every single day on tv how about talking about how your going to get the unemployment offices some help. The whole point is focus on the people first. Absolutely nothing should come before the us Americans. Thank you.
I live in Pennsylvania but I work in NJ. I filed my claim on 3/22. I have an approval and a weekly benefit rate. I have not seen a penny. I was on NBC 10 news in Philadelphia still nothing. I'm extremely frustrated and have maybe a week before I am completely depleted. I will no longer stand by our government. Everyone now is worried about summer events. I could give a rat's ass. I'm worried about survival now. They should take care of the American people first. Point blank. They are still receiving a paycheck we are not. I have lost faith in the government. This is really going to impact lots of people towards them. If it was up to me I would tell everyone in America to not even vote. I apologize for venting but this is real life now. The whole point is focus on the people first. Absolutely nothing should come before the us Americans. Thank you.
Not anymore
Thank you so much for sharing this information. I kept on trying on this number for an hour but could not get through. If you don't mind could you please share your phone number with me, I need to ask you something. It's been three weeks since I have been trying to certify but still not able to do it.
No one ever followed up with me from my email. My issue is resolved but only because I called 732-761-2021. The rep efficiently assisted me and my claim was updated. There was also a date discrepancy from a 2nd job I resigned from months ago. It’s a good thing I called. There is no telling when my issue would of been sorted out. I had no idea there was an issue. I hope this helps. Give the above number a call. Try to call between 7:39am and 7:40am. Keep calling right back and you will get through.
Is your issue resolved after emailing your concern? I am also getting the same error "Certification cannot be processed"
Is your issue resolved? how long did they take to resolve your issue?
That's excellent news!!! Thanks for sharing!
So my old boss said that when he was finally able to claim his weekly benefits (this past Friday the 9th) he had to go in and do the weekly claim, week by week. So he originally filed 3/30, this past friday he was finally able to go in and start claiming. so he had to do the last week of march- submit it- go right back in and do the first week of april- submit it- go right back in to do each week of april. He had all 5 weeks deposited today. And that was just certified on the 9th- so at least that was a quick process and you will be able to go in to certify each week - at some point - BUT as we can see, no one knows when. I'd just like to know why mine is still pending.. like is it not being looked at? Did I get lost in the shuffle?? that happened back in 2013 when I had to claim- it took them 6 months to get my claim filed and then i had it all deposited at once- after 6 months of struggling.
Everyday I try to claim and check my status. It's like spitting in the wind. I understand the process is going to be slow. I would be much more understanding if I was able to claim benefits for these weeks. I'm not even able to. It's frustrating not knowing and be uncertain.
wow - keep checking everyday. My pending status changed and it finally said "filed" but zeros in the money part - it took two weeks from when it said filed to get a dollar amount listed. Mine had been pending since 3/29 - hope you get results soon.
Yes, I think that is exactly what they are doing. Everyone I know that is self employed (or 1099 workers) are getting $231/week, plus the $600/week. However, here I am... still "pending" since 4/2!!! Going on 6 weeks now. This is the worst.
Thanks JD I was able to go on last Friday the 9th and claim 5 back weeks - they gave me the minimum which was $231 a week which I thought I would get more as I made over $50,000 last year and had already filed my 2019 taxes but being self employed maybe that is what they are doing since we don't have an employer who contributes to UEC. I got the deposit yesterday.
I am in the same boat. filed 4/2- received a follow up questionnaire 4/3 which i immediately answered. that confirmation email said I would hear within 2 weeks. Whenever I check my status is just says "pending" and that it shouldnt take more than 7 days..... well its been like 50. going on 6 weeks here.
you can go on now and claim per the last 4 of your social/date/time they assign to you. it should work now. My boss had this issue- same exact process as you. got the email on 4/15 that they would be able to claim PUA, but could not log in to claim weekly benefits. it would tell him no when he tried. this past friday 5/9, he was able to go on at the alloted time. he got paid today.
I filed 4/2- received a follow up questionnaire next day- which I completed immediately and my claim still says "pending". My coworker filed same day as me, got her questionnaire next day too, she got an email on 4/15 telling her she was filed with a benefit of "0" (we are 1099 contractors)- she got all 6 weeks of unemployment AND PUA assistance this week. while mine still shows "pending" and we followed the same exact steps. Why is is so much easier for some?! Also- how is their advice for you to file a claim when you have already done that?!
This is complete horse crap. I submitted my application on 4/05 and it has been "pending" since. However, I've received two payments of my benefits along with 600 dollars on top. I got letters in the mail explaining my status and all seemed fine until NOW every time I try to certify for benefits (third week now) I get "claim not payable at this time" even though I answered their questions EXACTLY how they say to. It is really frustrating when you are set up to receive benefits and you do, only to not get any more afterwards. This system is a complete joke and the Department of Labor is a joke. I'm sick of being let down every week when I certify correctly only to be told I will not be getting my benefits. I'm missing out on MY money every week. I cannot continue to express the anger that this has caused me over this time. Get your $hit together.
FYI this is what i received today no-reply@dol.nj.gov 9:29 AM (19 minutes ago) to me Thank you for contacting the New Jersey Department of Labor's Division of Unemployment Insurance. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have experienced a significant increase in the number of email inquiries to the Division. A new site now allows applicants to view claim status information which is updated daily; please click the following link to the NJUI Claim Status App to view your claim information. Please review the resources and recommended next steps below regarding your topic of concern. Please monitor your email for communication from the Division of Unemployment Insurance. We may require more information to process your claim. In order to prevent future delays in payments, please follow the tips for certifying for weekly benefits. https://myunemployment.nj.gov/labor/myunemployment/covidinstructions.shtml. To determine when you should certify for benefits please visit: https://myunemployment.nj.gov/labor/myunemployment/schedule.shtml For additional information, please visit: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions during COVID-19: https://www.nj.gov/labor/NJWorkers (See questions 4, 16 and 17) Additional COVID-19 Resources: https://www.nj.gov/labor/covidFAQ Thank you for your patience as we deal with a historic volume of claims. Sincerely, Division of Unemployment Insurance NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development
I was sent an email saying my claim is eligible for pua and when to claim. When I claimed the questions concerning covid-19 job loss never came up I was only asked the regular unemployment questions. Is there something I have to click on to get to the covid-19 questions?
I filed for the week of 3/15. It was filed but still I needed to speak to an agent. That didn’t happen until 2 weeks ago. I Spoke to an agent on Thursday 4/23 and was told I would be paid for the 5 weeks owed to me previously On the following Monday and I could begin claiming. That payment never came through, and also the $600 bonuses have yet to come through either. I’ve manually claimed for 2 weeks and I’ve gotten only 2 payments of $713 each when I was told I would be paid for the 5 missing weeks as well. I’ve been calling every day since last Tuesday and haven’t been able to get through over the phone. I live in New York so I don’t have a local New Jersey councilman I can cal to help. Can anyone give me answers?
Please indicate the link related to your good news. Thanks
Hi, please advise at which email did you send your concern? Has your problem been resolved?
I have applied on March 15, and my benefits are not payable when I certify weekly, I am approved but can't get my benefits. :(
Mine has said filed since 3/20 and I can file every week but they haven’t paid me a cent! It shows me my benefits and what I should be receiving weekly but then it says $0 next to how much has been paid out. I don’t understand what is possibly stopping them at this point from paying me. It’s ridiculous!!!
Martha, I was able to certify my claim today. I check everyday to see what my claim status is. Originally and for the longest time it was Pending --- then finally it changed to filed but zero in the amount column. Today, and amazng thing happened. I actually had an amount in the weekly benefit column and also a total amount. I went online to see what I had to do next and since it was Friday, I looked up the last 4 digits of my SS # - said I should file between noon and 12:30 - at Noon on the dot, I clicked certify my claim. I had to put info into the system (it prompts you for that) I had to say why I was out of work (I am self employed) and after I completed that I went through step by step and it took me to week ending 4/4 - I completed that and then it took me to the next week and so on (completing the 7 questions each time) until I got to this week and I was done so I filed for 5 weeks of retro PUA benefits (it only let me go back to the date I first filed not from the time I stopped work (that would have been March 5th) but I was happy to be getting what I was getting. I received an email each time I completed a week with a confirmation number saying I should see the funds in my bank account in 3 buisness days. The $600 comes from the Federal Government (the regular payment comes from the state) so I will eventually get that as well retroactive to the same time as my PUA claim. I was so excited and happy I had to call everyone I knew that was still waiting to tell them to check the status of their claim. Hope you get your info soon.
not yet just emailed them early this morning i google that message also i got What does your certification Cannot be processed mean? “Your Certification cannot be processed. Your claim indicates that you have returned to work. You are required to reopen your unemployment insurance claim at t and select File or Reopen Your UI Claim @sand@sandeebadhikari:disqus i got a re-assertion confirmation today i will try again tomorrow see what happen
You just told my EXACT story except I first filed for PUA in early April and I haven’t worked since March 8. Everything you wrote happened exactly the same way for me. I have absolutely no idea how to resolve this and feel totally defeated.
And did you fill e-Adjudication form?
@marlone@marlonepineda:disqus did you get the reply? I email them may be 4 days ago and i havent heard anything from them if you do let me knw. Thank you
hello, Maria, thank you for the info. Unfortunately, no one answers that number today and it says the mailbox is full. :( Could you please pass along the email address they gave you to reach a human regarding unemployment issues? After certifying for weekly benefits, I received an email that my claim is "not payable at this time" and to "call the nearest Reemployment center". That's a joke because you can't get through to a human. So frustrated and freaked out about not being able to pay rent and bills.
Thank you! I'll email them right now.
@valeriekoob:disqus https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0cN2UAI4n0uzauCkG9ZCp8zTKxTpe0RMmjY7qrMr_3BUOFlVUklYTzhDQjlWR0NaMVk1NjBQODJDWCQlQCN0PWcu i fill up this email form today hopefully get return message from DOL hopefully helps u also
Just got the same message this morning. Filed on 4/12, got the email on Monday on how to answer the questions. Tried to certify during my timeslot, was able to set up a pin, and then got the same message as you - without ever getting to the questions.
Actually - to add to the comedy - I personally emailed NJ Insider how false this article was and to stop spreading these lies. Their response was "ok"
hello getting error message "your certification can't be processed " anyone same issue ?
the good news -- the site now says "If your claim status says "not payable at this time," you do not need to contact the Regional Call Center (RCC). This status means that we need more information to process your claim, or you may have answered the weekly certification questions incorrectly. We will send you instructions (via email or mail) on next steps if this can't be resolved without contacting you. Be sure to continue to certify for weekly benefits using the schedule and specific instructions found in the links below.” The bad news-- we continue to wait. and wait. and wait. and receive no pay. and speak to no one. as interest builds. and we can barely afford bills. and our savings accounts deplete. Keep on keeping on, Gov Murphy. https://media3.giphy.com/media/26gsspfbt1HfVQ9va/giphy.gif
Note to self- do not trust Insider NJ news. This is absolute fake news. How dare you spread these lies. The scenarios presented are during NONCOVID claims. If you take thirteen seconds to some field research on twitter or comments on literally ANY article about NJ Unemployment, you will see people havent been paid in over 4-7 weeks and they are furious with the government. This fuels the fire; First we were receiving no answers. Now we are receiving straight lies. Two weeks!! We have bills to pay. Come on.
I’m so sorry to hear that happened to you this morning. You are exactly right about if the shoe was in the other foot. This is so heartbreaking. I’ve been working my tail off over the past 8 years... after our last recession, life-altering changes and a stint on welfare. Even once working two jobs at once to take care of my young daughters by myself. I know some people who live in extended households where several UI checks are coming in. I know some people I worked with that only filed a week before me and are receiving UI benefits and I’ve worked at my job longer than them. Not that that’s a factor but it’s all disappointing.
I just called them 34 times. For them to say I have to file a claim. Then I was on hold for 20min. To go through a teleprompter. For the teleprompter to tell me I need to speak with an agent. And all agents are busy at this time call back the next business day. It's 9am. You just opened. Really?! This is sad, and the ppl the have running the show is bumbling the job. Big time!!! The so called decision makers are not really monitoring the situation. They are taking these ppl at face value. Had it would've been them or someone in their household. The process would be completely different.
I’m in the same exact boat with you Sameerah. My claim is dated April 12th and it is still pending. I can not get through their phone line as well. I have children to take care of and bills to pay. This is such a disaster.
Hi. The same here for me. I filed on 3/17 and been waiting almost the same amount of time as you and nothing. I call everyday, send emails and nothing. This is so frustrating especially when that’s your only source of income with a family to feed. I pray every night just to get through to someone.
My claim is now over 7 weeks filed and I haven't received anything. I have filed for weekly benefits every week since and still no payment. I emailed them regarding claim and I was told to email the Appeal Tribunnal team 3 weeks who had to reopen a claim that i last used in September of 2109 via AppealTribunal@dol.nj.gov because one my previous employer stated i left the job without cause when i hadn't been given any work for over 3 MONTHS! I never submitted any notice stating I was leaving the company. I simply filed for my unemployment until i found another job (while still having never left the job officially). My manager called me 4 months later stating "well as you know work has slowed up and we have no work for you at this time" which i understood and which was the reason I initially filed for unemployment and which was also stated to during my UI phone interview. The Appeal Tribunnal group has emailed me 3 times stating my submittion is "under review" and i can't seem to figure put why 3 WEEKS LATER ITS STILL UNDER REVIEW! My UI claim in 2019 was approved for a whole 5 months and now there is an issue when I need it in 2020! I am a single foster/adopt parent and am in desperate need for my rightfully earned UI funds and have hit a roadblock! This is really ABSURD that I have to even go through this for THIS LONG! ME AND MY CHILD NEED HELP!!!!!! No stimulus check has been sent, no work is available due to layoffs and its not fair to use working class families out here!!! Someone needs to address this circus act!!!
Sadly I am broke. Some of my creditors understand and some dont. My perfect credit score is now toast. My claim is not payable at this time. 1 thing I never see is anyone saying they have got through to a agent ever. Why wont they just tell us when we call " No agents are answering calls " we dial hundreds of times with Hope's that maybe we will get through. I sent a email to disability and they responded but only to say we cant help with unemployment. I sent 1 to unemployment and they sent me a email saying my claim is sorted out and I'm good, so I certified at the appointed time and I got the notorious "your claim cannot be paid at this time " Nj has let us down . I'm getting very desperate and my thoughts are going into things that makes money illegally. I have to provide for my children. Between rent and bills the hole I'm in is getting to deep to dig out without the retro money from March.
Thanks Maria, for your help...I just sent NJ DOL an e-mail explaining my situation, and hopefully they can help me. Very grateful to you for sharing good information!
Call 609-984-5828 this is the Citizens Service dept. for the office of the Attorney General. They are well aware of the problems that the Dept. Of Labor is having. They'll give you an email address to contact someone to help you. I went through the exact same situation a couple weeks ago and they were the only ones who were able to help me. I find it coincidental that barely 2 weeks after this happened to me that NOW they are addressing the problem! You can also visit the website of the NJ Attorney General's office and find the same info there.
I have the same problem. I am very confused because status of my Unemployment claim is Filed (not Pending), but I cannot complete certification of my benefits both online and by phone and as sequence I’m not getting paid. During online certification I was receiving notices like “Your certification cannot be processed. Please call your local Reemployment Call Center…at the following numbers: 732-761-2020” or “Your claim is not payable at this time”. During phone certification I always dealt with automated system, rather than live agent. The system informed me “Your benefits are not payable now. You will receive credit for claiming week” and I was redirected to unreachable agent. My everyday efforts to reach agent by phone are unsuccessful. Automated system inform you - “ Due to high volume of call waiting we cannot take your call at this time. If you need to speak with the agent please call back at the next business day”. To resolve this problem I have sent E-mail to Unemployment office three times. But all times I have received the same automatically generated replies with the common advises, which did not take into account my particular case. Finally, I written down the Letter to Unemployment office and sent it by USPS. But Office sent me back the letter with the same automate generated common recommendations. I need live contact with the agent, which can easily remove existing glitch in automated system. But I don’t know how can reach above mentioned agent.
thanks Megan. I have been checking every day. My granddaughter got that email on the 29th and she applied on May 1st like they told her and was able to go back and do the retroactive thing as well. I don't know if they are doing it by SS# or what but nothing came last night (she received hers at 10:45 at night on the 29th which was a Wednesday. So I was hoping I would have received it last night but nothing.
Check your email. I went to the exact same process but I got an email in April 29th about how to claim benefits for pua. The sender is NJDOL
NJDOL is most dumbest government I ever had to deal with. Nothing personal but, you guys are too slow and not smart. No action for My claim for 6 weeks. Hate NJ!!!!
I received a notice that I was turned down for unemployment since I am self employed - I filed on the 29th of March - I received an email on the 15th of April saying that I may be eligible for Pandemic Unemployment that I don't have to do anything just wait until I am contacted by email which would be the next step to filing under Pandemic Unemployment. two days ago (5/5) I received a blue form dated 4/15 and mailed 4/16 that said I can now certify for benefits under UI - I went into certify and was allowed to set up a pin number etc. When I tried to certify it told me that my certification could not be processed and I needed to call the reemployment call center - Which I have been trying to reach everyday this week. Each time a recording takes me so far and says that I need to call on the next business day due to high volume. Sooooo, what do I do. How do I find out when I will know what status I am in. I haven't worked since March 5th - so that was 2 months ago already. Its not only frustrating but I know others that do the same job as me who filed later than me and are receiving benefits already.
LIES!!!! I applied on 3/23/2020 my claim requires me to speak to an agent.. I can NEVER get through and when I do it states to call back the next business day (when the business day just started) I have emailed them several times.. No reply.. They need a better system all I know is WE need our money and should not be treated like this... The system truly SUCKS!!!!! I Also emailed the governor office still no reply.. I want to how are we supposed to speak to an agent if we keep getting hung up on... Fix this issue so our families can have some ease and stop feeding us the bullshit... I am a single parent who needs her money....
How this guy can just boldly tell lies beats me. I have applied since 03/22, I have been claiming weekly benefits since then but it tells me your claim isn't payable at this time. Oh! Btw, forget about getting through on the phone or getting a reply to your email. It's an effort in futility
This a total lie I have emailed and sent two letters have yet to hear from underemployed
What a total crock of sh*t. These are bold face lies. The entire article reads like an Onion piece. Chuckled the whole way through, except these lies are having disastrous effects on working people all over the state. I applied on 3/15 and have not received a farthing. The gaul of the labor head to insinuate that the only reason why the 200000+ people who have not received payments, is because of OUR input errors. Zero accountability. All this guy does is spit out baseless facts and platitudes. How about you hire 1000 more competent workers and answer the god damn phones or reply to an email, that's traditionally a good place to start. Yours truly A broke girl
This is completely not true. I filed 04/12. And when I check my status. It's says pending. And when I try to claim for the weeks I've been in limbo. It directs me to open a claim. I have haven't heard anything from them and I can't reach a human being on the phone. They're saying have patience. But my landlord and energy company and cell phone carrier. Don't have that same attitude. I am not asking for anything I am not entitled to. Yes I would rather work. Just not at the risk of my 19mo olds health. It's really sad. The state has no qualms about taking the money out of your check. When you're actually working. But find every excuse not to give it to you once it's time to be reimbursed. They definitely need to do better than what they're doing.
NOT TRUE!!! I have filed UI 03/27 beginning claim wk of 03/15 and claim shows filed but no payment yet...it's almost 2 months, been out of work with no money to pay for food and/or bills. Called UI office countless times but the phone automatically hangs-up. Extremely frustrating, this is not the way claimants should be treated during this health disaster and time of need!