NJ Progressive Dems of Union County Run Full Slate for County Office
The New Jersey Progressive Democrats of Union County filed nominating petitions for five county offices today: Justin O’Hea, Hector Meneses Jr., and Aissa Heath for Freeholder, Sean Smith for County Clerk, and Jack Molenaar for Sheriff. In addition, the NJPDUC is bracketing with local candidates in the four municipalities of Elizabeth, Plainfield, Roselle, and Union Township.
Just six months after it was founded, the organization rolled out a comprehensive and diverse slate of progressive democratic candidates across Union County. The group of candidates are running on a platform that includes ballot reform, transparency in government, infrastructure and housing improvements, and more.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Murphy’s Executive Order allowing petition signatures to be collected online, NJPDUC amassed thousands of signatures over 10 days while keeping the health of the public in mind. The system they created was so efficient that they supported progressive candidates in nearly half the counties in the state.
“Thanks to Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 105, our team leveraged Docusign and many hours of work to ensure that our county and municipal candidates got on the ballot without further spreading the CoVid-19 virus to the people of Union County,” said Mira Antoun, Founding Member and Secretary of NJPDUC. “We were very happy to extend our effort to progressive candidates across 9 counties in New Jersey. We are excited about the spirit of collaboration, and we look forward to the June primary.”
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