NJPP: Seven in Ten New Jerseyans Back a Millionaire’s Tax

Carl Golden, senior contributing analyst with the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University, discusses how Gov. Phil Murphy is faced with settling on the least damaging option rather than the most beneficial one when deciding which action to take with the proposed NJ budget for 2020.

As legislative leadership and Governor Murphy debate revenue sources for the FY 2019 budget, an NJPP overview of independent polling shows consistent support for tax increases that provide adequate funding for critical state assets. 

The Democratic Legislature is poised to pass a budget tomorrow that leans on the corporate tax, but according to NJPP…

The most popular tax proposal: “Millionaires Tax” 
By far, the most popular tax proposal is an increase in the state income tax for households earning more than $1 million per year, a.k.a. the “millionaires tax.”
Polls conducted by NJPP, Rutgers-Eagleton, Quinnipiac University, and Stockton University show that approximately 7 in 10 New Jersey voters support a “millionaires tax.”
Consistent Support for “Millionaires Tax”
Sheila Reynertson, Senior Policy Analyst, NJPP:
After years of tax cuts for those at the top, New Jersey voters are loud and clear in their support for a “millionaires tax.” Voters from both parties understand that the wealthiest households should be paying their fair share for state assets that contributed to their success. Poll after poll demonstrates this broad support, and lawmakers should acknowledge this public enthusiasm as they debate next year’s budget. A millionaires tax would make for good politics and sound fiscal policy, as it would provide New Jersey with a sustainable source of revenue for years to come.
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4 responses to “NJPP: Seven in Ten New Jerseyans Back a Millionaire’s Tax”

  1. This state gives me a reason every day to screw it over and pay as less as I can because of things like this

    Nice try at getting my $$ but not gonna work

  2. It creates an “us vs. them” situation that the liberals love. The main problem is the NJ does not have enough millionaires to support Murphy’s presidential agenda. It starts with millionaires, the goes down to half a million, then a quarter of a million. Pretty soon we’ll be back to Florio’s definition of “rich” which was $35,000 per year for a single and $75,000 per year for a couple. Cut spending and audit the state funding of the “former” Abbott districts.
    Since I’m critical of Murphy, I wonder in they will keep my posting up? Anything critical of him seems to disappear.

  3. Those poor, poor millionaires. They have it tough enough as it is, being upstanding Job Creators[tm]. Shame on you Governor Murphy.

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