NJTV Live Stream: Governor Murphy Signs Fiscal Year 2020 Budget

Carl Golden, senior contributing analyst with the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University, says that Gov. Phil Murphy has no incentive to negotiate with George Norcross over Norcross' efforts to shut down the NJEDA task force investigations. Murphy is winning the fight.

Watch NJTV’s live stream of the budget signing by Governor Murphy at 2pm:

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One response to “NJTV Live Stream: Governor Murphy Signs Fiscal Year 2020 Budget”

  1. In contract to Chris Christie who refused to sign the budget and closed down State government, Governor Phil Murphy placed “PEOPLE ABOVE POLITICS” and approved the budget even though there were areas in the budget against his grain and wishes.
    We in New Jersey are most fortunate to have a Governor who governs “by, for and of the people” of our state.
    Bob Knapp, Jersey City

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