No Day At The Beach For Guadagno

LG Kim Guadagno had harsh words aimed at Governor Christie's beach day yesterday, photographed by the Star-Ledger.

"If I were governor, I sure wouldn’t be sitting on the beach if taxpayers didn’t have access to state beaches. It's beyond words," she said in a statement on her Facebook page.

The Governor made no apologies for heading to Island Beach State Park yesterday - closed to the public -

[caption id="attachment_8482" align="alignleft" width="300"] The Governor on the beach (photo taken by Andrew Mills, Star-Ledger)[/caption]

where his family is vacationing, telling Fox 5 in an interview this morning that "the Governor is allowed to go to his residences. And I’m at my residence."  He lashed out at the media, saying "what a great bit of journalism by the Star-Ledger. They actually caught a politician being where he was going to be with the people he said he was going to be with, his wife and his children and their friends. So I’m sure they’re going to get a Pulitzer Prize for this one..."

Guadagno added that "we need to end the shutdown now. It's hurting small businesses and ordinary New Jerseyans. Instead of political games, Governor Christie, Speaker Prieto and Senate President Sweeney should pass a budget that delivers property tax relief and puts taxpayers first."



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