North And South: The Lou Manzo(s) Story

BRIDGETON - Brian Stack this past weekend felt more at home in the Gloucester County area than he might have thought heading down there when the buses rolled off the security blanket streets of Hudson.

Not only is there a town named Harrison in Gloucester, but there's a name on a lawn sign in this election season that must have somewhat pacified Stack:

Lou Manzo.

That's the Republican running for a township committee seat in Harrison.

A Hudson wag heard the name and did a quick gut-check with himself to ascertain whether that might have been a relocated former Assemblyman Lou Manzo (D-31), a Stack ally from Jersey City who successfully stood up to Gov. Chris Christie and beat down corruption charges.

State Sandy Cunningham (D-31) got to the senate in 2007 only after she got through a tough Manzo in the last real elections war in Hudson. That was the same year Stack launched his own run for the senate in LD33 with an equally off-the-line determined Manzo at the base of the Lincoln statue in Lincoln Park.

Stack won that night - big.

[caption id="attachment_13217" align="alignnone" width="2560"] Lincoln[/caption]

After Cunningham beat him, Manzo told the press that he felt like a ton of bricks had fallen on him.

Anyway, it's not the same guy in Harrison, just the same name.


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