Ocean GOP Screening Committee Recommends John Catalano of Brick for LD10 Seat

The Freeholder fight unites more than it delights.


Toms River, NJ – February 16th – Today the Ocean County Republican Organization formally announced the recommendation of the 2019 Candidate Screening Committee. The committee met with and interviewed candidates for County Freeholder, County Sheriff, and candidates for Assembly in the 9th, 10th, 12th, and 30th Districts.

For countywide offices, the committee issued unanimous recommendations for Freeholder Director Ginny Haines, Freeholder Deputy Director Jack Kelly and Sheriff Michael Mastronardy. The committee was again unanimous in their recommendations of DiAnne Gove and Brian Rumpf in the 9th District, Greg McGuckin in the 10th District, Ron Dancer and Rob Clifton in the 12th District, and Sean Kean and Ned Thomson in the 30th District.

Earlier this year, Assemblyman David Wolfe announced he would not be seeking reelection. That announcement prompted many highly qualified candidates to seek the open seat for Assembly in the 10th District. The Screening Committee interviewed Mayor Stephen Reid from Point Pleasant Beach, D’Arcy Green of Mantoloking, Councilman Dan Rodrick from Toms River, and Councilman Jim Davis from Lakehurst. They also had three candidates from Brick appear before the committee. They were Ruthanne Scaturro, John Catalano and Samantha DeAlmeida of Brick. Chairman Gilmore said, “I encouraged to see the rebirth of the Republican Party in Brick. Ruthanne has answered the call anytime the party needed someone to step up and John has been a tireless advocate for candidates up and down the ballot.” Speaking in regards to Sam, Chairman Gilmore continued, “At just 29 years old, Sam represents the future of the Republican party not only in Brick, but throughout the entire state. I have encouraged Sam to continue to build relationships and gain valuable experience at the local level, and I am hopeful that she will consider running for Council in Brick.”

The Screening Committee faced a tough decision with seven highly qualified individuals deciding to enter the race. After much deliberation, the committee came to a clear consensus with a recommendation that John Catalano from Brick should be the next candidate to represent the 10th District. Upon hearing the endorsement of the committee Chairman Gilmore said, “John will be a tremendous candidate and I am confident that he will make a great member of the Assembly. John has proven himself as a fearless campaigner for candidates throughout the county and I believe that he will continue to use that work ethic to earn the support of the voters.”

Previous comments for: Ocean GOP Screening Committee Recommends John Catalano of Brick for LD10 Seat

  1. 1Prop says:

    Typical, the GOP goes with the old white guy. Samantha would have been the best choice if they wanted to start to create a brand. Opportunity wasted.

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