The Odds on Dodd and other Dover Mull-overs
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DOVER - This is one Morris County town that on this Election Day has a Hudson County flavor - sort of. And we mean that as a compliment.
There are signs on storefronts, lawns, and trucks all over town as the mayoral battle between incumbent James Dodd and Carolyn Blackman comes to its conclusion.
Dodd still considers himself a Democrat, but is running as an independent. Blackman has the official party support.
And early this morning, both candidates - and their teams - had set up booths the required 100 feet or so away from a polling place on Bergen Street.
Blackman eschewed a prediction, saying she expects the voters to do their jobs.
Dodd and his group were about 50 feet away across the parking lot.
"I like to greet voters, thank them for coming out," he said.
This has been a nasty campaign, but so far, there was peaceful co-existence between the two sides., But it's early.
Back at Dodd headquarters a few blocks away, Pablo Fonseco, the mayor's campaign manager and a veteran of New Jersey political battles, portrayed his man as the underdog seeking to beat the powers-that-be.
Fonseca noted that the list of powerful Democrats opposing Dodd include the governor, a number of state senators (primarily Dick Codey) and Chip Robinson, the county's Democratic chair.
With both mayoral candidates identifying as Democrats, a big turnout here can help the party's candidates higher up on the ballot.