'Off the Line' Allies File Amicus Brief Backing Kim Lawsuit

Supporters of electoral reform Joe Cohn, Staci Berger, Councilperson James Solomon, former Assemblyperson Valerie Huttle, and Mayor Ravi Bhalla joined U.S. Rep. Andy Kim’s lawsuit to overturn the “County Line” system in New Jersey.
"The 'County Line' system has deprived New Jerseyans from fully exercising their right to vote free from ballot manipulation for too long," said Joe Cohn, a Democrat running for Congress in the Third Congressional District. "Voters and not party bosses should decide who represents New Jersey.”
"The County Line is undemocratic and forces some candidates to associate with other candidates who they do not want to be associated with in order to have a chance to compete for preferential ballot position or risk being in ballot Siberia," said Staci Berger, a Middlesex County Democratic Organization member who has run for Municipal Office off the line twice. "Even worse, it allows political party insiders to choose candidates, instead of voters. It creates voter confusion and disenfranchises voters and candidates from having a fair election."
"I owe my elected office as a Jersey City Councilman to the absence of the Line in Jersey City’s municipal elections," remarked James Solomon. "The County Line system effectively manipulates our primary ballots, perpetuating an archaic and undemocratic process. It enables corrupt backroom deals between candidates and county bosses in exchange for the advantage of being on the Line. For true democracy to thrive in New Jersey, we must abolish this antiquated practice."
“Good people who represent the conscience and will of their constituencies, and who demonstrate strong public leadership, should be on-board and engaged, not ignored, or retired,” stated former Assemblywoman Valerie Huttle who served New Jersey’s 37th Legislative District for 16 years. “NJ can and should be a leader in expanding pathways to democracy, not limiting them.”
These remarks highlight how the County Line system unfairly benefits certain candidates, undermining fair and transparent elections by giving too much power to party insiders and contribute to the growing voices calling for an end to the County Line system and the implementation of reforms that prioritize voter rights and democratic principles, said the group.
Steven FULOP is the ultimate hypocrite / opportunist. His reasoning for this lawsuit is self centered. He was always part of an organization that was part of the “line process” He now realizes the process he was always a part of might not benefit him. If a county organization has a process to pick candidates…. Good for them. With regards to FULOP now “changing his mind” and backing Andy Kim….. go with the wind Steve….BRAVO for your loyalty and commitment!
Is this a joke? Huttle should refund every cent of salary and benefits she got in the Assembly, and her Husband as Mayor, when they gladly benefitted from the county line. She should call for the resignation of her brother as Hudson County Chairman, along with every official he gave the line to. Bhalla was part of a failed takeover of the HCDO, an attempt to take control of the line for himself and his allies. He should resign, and also call for his lacky John Allen to resign the Assembly, since he only got there because of the county line. Whatever your stance on county lines, these two are pathetic panderers. Solomon is the only one here who is not a complete hypocrite.
Any real Democrat would support Andy Kim's lawsuit. How do you pretend to oppose the undemocratic authoritarian MAGA Republicans if you yourself lack democratic principles? If Tammy Murphy does not back the lawsuit, she loses all credibility in the fight against MAGA and she reveals herself to be utterly hypocritical.