An Open Letter to the Democrats of Warren, Union and Morris Counties From Democrats of Hunterdon County

We all understand how important it is to prevail in CD7 this year. We all understand what is at stake with this election and that it impacts not just us here in CD7, but people around the state, the country, and the world. Winning this seat could be the difference between taking back the House and spending another two years with a Congressman who does not represent us or our values, and li(le to no buffer between our communities and Donald Trump.

We here in Hunterdon know Lance well. We know him because we see him at our restaurants, our parks, and our community events. Leonard Lance is from our county. He is friends with our neighbors. As elected officials and Democratic Committee members in Hunterdon County we have a unique vantage point from which to understand Leonard Lance.

Last Sunday, February 4, 2018, the Hunterdon County Democratic Committee held its annual convention and overwhelmingly supported the nomination of Tom Malinowski. Those of us who signed this letter all voted for Mr. Malinowski knowing that two other counties in the district chose a different candidate. We made an informed decision based on what we know about the candidates, and maybe more importantly, what we know about Leonard Lance. As residents of the same county as Mr. Lance, we believe that Tom Malinowski can beat him in November.

Tom was raised in New Jersey and left to work in public service for his country and for disenfranchised people around the world. He returned home to where his mother still resides, to where he played baseball and went to movies as a teenager. He returned home to CD7 to continue his career serving and protecting the public as our congressman in the 7th district. Tom has a public track record of fighting for women’s issues both nationally and internationally. He continues to receive endorsements from women throughout the district and will continue to fight for women as our Congressman.

In addition, Tom has shown the strongest fundraising numbers to date. Fundraising is crucial given that this race is estimated to cost between $4–7 million, and it will be incumbent upon the nominee to be able to raise a significant portion of that money. He has promised not only to raise the money needed but to do it without accepting corporate PAC money.

We submit this letter in support of our fellow CD7 committee people and elected officials with the sincere hope that you all have a chance to vote in an open and democratic process, and that you will join us in supporting Tom Malinowski for CD7. He has stood up to dictators and it is our firm belief that he will stand up for those of us in the 7th Congressional district.

With sincere thanks,

Karen Becker, State Committee Representative, Executive Committee, HCDC

Marianne Rampulla, Executive Committee, HCDC

Janice Kovach, Mayor, Town of Clinton, Secretary NJDSC

Charles Daniel, Mayor, Califon Borough

Megan Johnson, Councilwoman Town of Clinton

Rielly Karsh, Councilwoman Town of Clinton

Lois Zarish, Municipal Chair, Raritan Township, Executive Committee, HCDC

Elizabeth Colacino, Municipal Chair, Bethlehem Township

Gwenna Cook, Municipal Chair, Alexandria Township

Mary Anne Cowen, Municipal Chair, Holland Township

Lauren Grober, Municipal Chair, Union Township

Joyce LeSly, Municipal Chair, Lebanon Township

Mary Ruffine, Municipal Chair, Tewksbury Township

Sharon Jung, Tewksbury Township County Committee

Kelly Brakewood, Tewksbury Township County Committee

William Simon, Ph.D., Tewksbury Township County Committee

Cathy Lenski, Tewksbury Township County Committee

Steve Robinson, Tewksbury Township County Committee

Liza Darmstadt, Tewksbury Township County Committee

Christina Russoniello, Vice Chair, Union Township

Yvonne Shepard, Franklin Township County Committee

Marlene Miller, Holland Township County Committee

Town of Clinton Democratic Committee

Union Township County Committee


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