Pallone Gives Maria-Proud Trump a 2 out of Ten on Hurricane Response

At a House Energy and Commerce hearing today, U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-6) disputed President Donald J. Trump's self-aggrandizement on the subject of Hurricane Maria response.
"President Trump recently gave himself a ten out of ten when evaluating his recovery effort in Puerto Rico," said Pallone. "I'd give him a two."
The Hurricane Sandy-salted Pallone was critical of Trump as he recounted stories of Puerto Rican constituents who had contacted him, and
"I am particularly concerned that there are still reports that residents do not have access to food or medicine and as many as a million Americans lack access to reliable sources of clean water," Pallone said. "Accounts from the areas affected by these storms paint a dire situation that completely contradict the often rosy stories that come from the White House."
Pallone noted that many hospitals still do not have reliable power.  Many communities in Puerto Rico still lack safe drinking water, and people have resorted to drinking from questionable water sources.  Where water service has been restored, residents are still unsure if the water is safe. In a recent EPA briefing to the Committee, representatives learned that crews going into communities to test for water quality were arriving only to find that people still lacked adequate food and drinking water.

Previous comments for: Pallone Gives Maria-Proud Trump a 2 out of Ten on Hurricane Response

  1. 1Prop says:

    Since when does Frank represent Puerto Rico? He conveniently ignores the facts that the entire island was affected and the storm damage hindered the logistics in getting the aid to the people. The response was immediate and substantial, it was the conditions that were a 2 out of 10, not the response. Typical example of a false accusations by a liberal Democrat being news, but the facts aren't. Frank is either out of touch or simply lying. Time to retire, Frank. Even your lies are getting old and tired - just like you.

  2. Jim Granelli says:

    Phoney Pallone. He knows it took WEEKS & MONTHS for many areas of NJ to get electricity after Hurricane Sandy, and Puerto Rico was hit far harder and their infrastructure was in FAR worse shape before hand. Phone Pallone KNOWS that parts of Puerto are difficult to reach even in good conditions. Hey Frank, why don't you head down there yourself and pick up a shovel instead of whining.

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