Morris County GOP Split on NJ's Primary Election Night

Morris County Republicans hold separate parties to watch NJ election results and support specific factions of candidates.

Everybody knows Morris County Republicans are badly split.

To understand that, all you need to do is look at this year's nasty primary campaigns and beyond that, take in some of the private sniping behind the scenes.

This division bursts out in public view tonight with two primary night parties.  In the many years I have observed Morris Republicans in action, they had one county-wide party on primary night.

The drill would be for all the candidates - winners and losers - to make their way to a central location to drink, eat and more importantly, kiss and make-up. Sort of.

It was at one of these gatherings when Chuck Dawson, of Roxbury, figuratively "kissed" Chris Christie's political career good-bye, an episode that made it into the former governor's book.

OK, so the feelings weren't always sincere, but there was at least an attempt at unity.

But this year, there are two parties.

The Morris County Republican Committee has scheduled a gathering tonight at its Parsippany headquarters to watch "live results."

Additionally, the team of incumbent freeholders Doug Cabana, Tom Mastrangelo and Kathy DeDillippo are inviting people to their own election results party at their headquarters on the other side of Route 10 in Morris Plains.

You wonder if the results will be the same in both places.

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