Patterson Says He's Staying in the CD-2 Race


Conservative Republican Bob Patterson announced that he is committed to staying in and winning the Republican primary in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District even if liberal Democrat Jeff Van Drew [bubbleAutoLink text="pulls a party switch" id="72717"].

"Cong. Van Drew is a lifelong Democrat and ardent liberal," said Patterson, "whose most extreme positions include":

  • Cong. Van Drew votes against President Trump 92.9% of the time (
  • Cong. Van Drew votes with socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 84 percent of the time (
  • Cong. Van Drew voted against funding President Trump’s border wall (RC #553)
  • Cong. Van Drew voted for amnesty for illegal immigrants (RC #240)
  • As a state senator, Van Drew received a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood in 2016-2017 (Planned Parenthood)
  • Cong. Van Drew voted to block President Trump’s withdrawal from the liberal Paris agreement (RC #184)
  • Cong. Van Drew sided with extreme anti-Second Amendment liberals (RC #99)

Patterson described himself as a South Jersey native, a lifelong Republican who served in the Trump and George W. Bush administrations, and a conservative who has been fighting for a pro-life, anti-amnesty and pro-American worker agenda his entire adult life.

“Congressman Van Drew’s switcheroo is a sad reflection of his desperation and lack of principle,” said Patterson. “It’s clear that Van Drew will say and do anything to hold onto political power. Yesterday, he was a liberal Democrat who supports amnesty, Planned Parenthood, and Hillary Clinton. Today, he says he’s a Republican... who supports amnesty, Planned Parenthood, and Hillary Clinton. Who knows what he will call himself tomorrow? South Jersey deserves a true conservative congressman who will fight for them, not a career politician who tries to protect himself.”

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