Payne, Jr.’s Bill Provides $7 Million Grant to N.J. Transit for Environmentally-Friendly Ferry Service

Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr.’s bill to promote more environmentally-friendly ferry service has led to a $7.3 million grant for New Jersey Transit Corporation. The grant would allow it to alter diesel-powered ferries to hybrid technology and, eventually, make them electric-powered vehicles. Rep. Payne, Jr. introduced the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Environmental Enhancement through New Ferries Act (or GREEN Ferries Act) in mid-2021 to encourage the use of federal funds to promote more low- and no-emission ferries and related infrastructure for waterways nationwide. The GREEN Ferries Act was modified into a federal program to secure these funds and passed into law as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act on November 15, 2021.
“I am extremely proud to help New Jersey Transit secure this grant to improve ferry service for passengers, provide more jobs for workers, and protect the environment for all area residents,” said Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. “Transportation accounts for almost 30 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions across the country and ferries are a strong contributor to climate change, particularly with their diesel engines. I introduced the GREEN Ferries Act to encourage ferry operators to switch to electric-powered vehicles. Again, I am pleased to hear that this grant will help improve passage across the New York Waterways and I look forward to riding one of New Jersey Transit’s electric-powered ferries soon.”