Payne Made New Chief of the Bridgewater Township Police Department

At the Bridgewater Township Council Meeting on Monday, July 6th, the Council unanimously approved the Administration’s selection of Paul Payne to be promoted and serve as the new Chief of the Bridgewater Township Police Department.
“Over the last several months Chief Payne has served, as Acting Chief, in some of the most difficult circumstances that this Township has ever faced and has done so with the utmost poise and professionalism,” said Mayor Matthew Moench. “We, as a community, are lucky to have such a dedicated public servant and law enforcement official leading our group of first class police officers. I look forward to continuing our work together to keep Bridgewater a safe place to live.”
“I would like to thank Mayor Matthew Moench and the elected officials of Bridgewater for giving me the opportunity to be the next Chief of Police in Bridgewater Township,” said Chief Payne. “I have already had the privilege of running the agency during some challenging times as the Acting Chief and my success would not have been possible if not for my fellow supervisors and officers in the agency. As the next Chief of Police, I have been given an invitation to lead people and to make a difference. I will take the opportunity this new position has given me to try to improve individual lives, foster a great working environment and develop even deeper ties to our community.”
“Chief Payne is a great choice to lead the Department and I am proud to support his nomination,” said Council Vice President Filipe Pedroso. “His credentials and experience speak for themselves and I look forward to working together in the future.”
Chief Paul Payne has served in the Bridgewater Police Department for 22 years starting as an officer in 1997. Prior to joining the force, Chief Payne served in the United States Marine Corps as a Military Police Officer.