Payne Says Dems Remain Consistent on Behalf of Jeffries

Congressman Payne

Another ballot, another vote for Hakeen Jeffries recorded by U.S. Rep. Donald Payne (D-10) of Newark.

"We on our third round of voting and it will come out the same," Payne told InsiderNJ. "I have it memorized."

Jefferies 212

McCarthy 202

Jordan 19.

"It might be 20 now," Payne added. "Someone just changed from McCarthy. They are in total disarray while the Democrats remain consistent and committed."

Previous comments for: Payne Says Dems Remain Consistent on Behalf of Jeffries

  1. NoMoreMarxistsInDC says:

    Sorry Donnie Boy. This is what's called Americans fighting for our rights!!! This is what's called upholding the Constitution; not like your Democrat-Communist Party. You clowns in the Democrat-Communist Party have done enough damage to this country trying to turn it into a giant Socialist/Communist Venezuela. You're a treasonous, insurrectionist lot that has nothing good to say about anybody if it doesn't fit your agenda of corruption, criminal acts, terrorism against Americans, treason and insurrection by virtue of a currently bloodless coup created by fraudulent elections.

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