Peace-Seeking Coughlin Presents Check to Democratic State Committee

WALL - It's a cold war.
The scrap between Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) and Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie proved it, illuminating all the ugly fractures within the Democratic Party, going back to that divide between the public sector unions and the Building Trades, ad which Governor Phil Murphy must contend with now as he tries to occupy Trenton with a reproving Sweeney.
Into that mess, stepped Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-19) of Middlesex County.
Coughlin was part of the deal that returned Sweeney to the senate presidency and kept afloat South Jersey's political domination of Trenton power. But Coughlin - in the midst of the divide - delivered an olive branch message to Murphy and Currie during the Chamber Trip when he showed up at the Democratic State Committee's shindig and made a show of presenting a check of goodwill.
Sweeney was not present.
But Coughlin took the time to attend the private clutch for max donors to the state party, which Governor Phil Murphy also attended and anchored with Currie. Murphy in his remarks highlighted the early commitment from the speaker and Middlesex County to support him in his efforts to make the state party vital and vibrant again.