Pennacchio Goes on Offense against Dems after Baldwin Defends Griffin Photo


Senator Joe Pennacchio (R-26) today called on Legislative Democratic candidates to reject tasteless celebrities, by rejecting donations from fundraisers that condoned comic Kathy Griffin's mock beheading of President Donald Trump.

"I am calling for the distancing of any candidate in any district from accepting money from this tainted PAC. I am very disappointed in both of these Hollywood-has-beens, but I would be equally as disappointed in anyone who would share in the fruits of their nefarious labor," Pennacchio said.
CNN dumped Griffin after her stunt, then Alec Baldwin defended her. Democrats last week welcomed Baldwin in to do a fundraiser for the General Majority PAC in South Jersey.

Pennacchio drew a line from Griffin to Baldwin to the General Majority PAC.

"These are professional attention seekers grasping for relevancy with radical stunts and statements. This time they went too far with that hateful and insightful photo," said the veteran GOp senator. "Rather than mocking the President with an ISIS symbol of a beheading, they should work with elected representatives to put an end to this nonsense once and for all.

"Hollywood elites like Baldwin and Griffin are poisoning the American spirit. Somewhere along the lines they stopped saying Trump would fail and started wishing that he would. We need to get back to a place in this country where we put people before party politics."

Previous comments for: Pennacchio Goes on Offense against Dems after Baldwin Defends Griffin Photo

  1. mayordave1 says:

    Go Joe!!!!!

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