'We the People of the City of Camden are Suffering and Traumatized'

Good Afternoon. Thank you for joining us today. If I could go back in time and give my 16-year-old self, who lived in Puerto Rico, advise about the future, I would say:
Protect what is most important
Build a strong network of people
Support your fellow neighbors
Boost equality and equity in all forms
Create opportunities for yourself and others
Plan to make a positive impact on the world around you.
And, always try to do the right thing.
Not just when its easy or when it may benefit you, but even in the face of adversity when no one is
watching, when there is no fanfare, and when there is no reward. Because life is unpredictable. Life is ever changing. And when Life becomes frightening, remember the words Mr. Fred Roger’s Mother said to him as a boy, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
From a very young age I knew in my heart that it was my destiny to be one of those helpers. At 16 years old I helped my peers obtain summer employment, I helped hurricane devastated families keep their dignity even though their foundation had washed away, and I helped people in my community access services and homeownership opportunities who would have otherwise never benefited.
Next, I would tell my young self to focus and stay the course. Because at 21 you will become the youngest
assemblyman in the history of your hometown to be elected by the constituents to serve as their voice and implement their choice for a better future. You will dedicate your service to affordable health care systems and new housing opportunities for low-income families.
And After you serve your term and graduate with a bachelor's degree in childhood education, you will move to New York City and teach in a Traditional Public School System. Over the next 4 years you will become the proud father of two sons, Kelvin and Kenneth. And Then, 10 years later you will put down roots as a first-time homeowner in a place called Camden City, New Jersey where you will continue on as a Traditional Public School Spanish Teacher for the next 22 years.
Finally, I would tell my teenaged self, to be brave and follow your destiny because, as a teacher you will
be blessed to be in a position to have a positive impact on young minds on the precipice of their own futures. As a homeowner and tax payer, you will be privileged to be able to work where you live, and over the course of your journey You will build that strong network of friends and family. You will thrive in a supportive community of neighbors. You will empower vulnerable and oppressed populations in your City. And in the face of inequality, you WILL NOT Remain silent. You will not resign yourself to the status quo. Oh No! You, in the year 2021 will create a grassroots movement that will energize the residents of your city to unite around common issues that will restore democracy and the integrity of a democratic system where all the faces Camden City, NJ will have their voices and choices heard and respected on the policies that protect and sustain their way of life, liberty and their pursuit of financial security.
Humbled by the love of my mother Rosa Quiñones Quiñones,
Guided by the spirit of my late father Ramiro Quiñones Crespo,
Grateful for the wisdom and guidance of my mentor, Dr. Aida Rosa, and
Inspired by all of my family, friends, students, neighbors, and the community’s support,
I stand before you today, as a teacher, a homeowner, an advocate, a tax payer, a professional, and a community organizer, to say that it is TIME for the Helpers to step forward.
We the People of the City of Camden are Suffering and Traumatized. For far too long we have been plagued by lack of opportunities
• To Choose a Traditional Public School Education for our children
• To Access an abundance of Brand New affordable Homes
A Majority of already establish small businesses in Camden are currently owned by minorities,
yet there is a
• Lack of Opportunities: For Small Business to benefit from their own investment in the City of Camden.
We the people of the City of Camden
• Lack the overwhelming abundance of Opportunity: To find employment in the same place we have
chosen to reside
• We even lack the right to safety in our own neighborhoods.
And finally, We the People of the City of Camden
• Lack the Opportunity: To be Represented in Government but yet we are still unfairly taxed anyway.
There should be “No Taxation Without Representation!”
With the voices of the community, I will put the faces of Camden above politics. I will focus on fixing the
City’s broken economic systems and bring about meaningful changes to our lives. I will lead an open and
transparent government that will ensure that you will have someone sitting at the table who will represent Your concerns.
I Will Work For You!
I will:
• Protect Traditional Public Schools
Because I believe in Strengthening the Traditional Public School System.
I will:
• Build Affordable Homeownership
Because I believe in New Home Construction.
I will:
• Support Small Business
Because I believe in Free Enterprise & I Respect the unique risks & rewards of owning a small business.
I will:
• Boost A Fair & Equitable Tax Base
Because I believe in a Balanced Tax System among all taxpayers.
I will:
• Create Sustainable Jobs
Because I believe in Working Where You Live & The Pursuit of Financial Security.
And Finally, I will:
• Plan Safe Walkable Communities
Because I believe all residents have a Right to Life, Liberty & Safe neighborhoods.
I am running for the Highest Political Office in this City out of my love for my students, my neighbors,
my family, my friends, my community, and my most of all, my love for ALL the Faces of Camden City. If
you share my vision for the future of Camden, VOTE for me in the upcoming primary election on June 8th.
The bell has rung and now it is time to get down to work.
My name is Mr. Luis A Quiñones and I am pleased to announce that I am officially running for the
position of Mayor of Camden City, New Jersey. Thank You.
[pdf-embedder url="https://www.insidernj.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/03-Autobiography-Luis-A-Quinones_Media.pdf" title="03 Autobiography Luis A Quinones_Media"]
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