Persichilli Fire Hoses Trump's Lysol Comments


Judith Persichilli is always introduced by Phil Murphy as "the woman who needs no introduction."

She is the state Health Commissioner, and as such, has been a steady and comforting presence at the daily pandemic briefings. She provides the latest data and aids the governor in responding to technical
questions. Today, she sounded a lot like an elementary school teacher and the lesson was about household disinfectants.

Always read the instructions on the label, she said. Make sure the room where you use the cleaner is ventilated and keep the bottle away from small children.

And most definitely, "do not injest or inject disinfectant."

In what world is it necessary for the top health official in the state to say at an official briefing not to drink the Lysol?

The world we're living in now.

Donald Trump on Thursday suggested that COVID-19 may be killed if people inject disinfectant. His "logic" was that disinfectants kill the virus on surfaces - like a door knob - so it may work inside the human body. This truly was one of those "there are no words" moments.

As Murphy's briefing ensued today, TV viewers saw a federal warning in the crawl across the screen telling people not to swallow disinfectant.

The White House for its part sought to limit the damage. The president said he was being sarcastic and a press spokesperson said his words were taken out of context.

Well, as they say, you can always go to the video.

Now that it was established that Drano is not for drinking, Murphy was asked about reopening the state, because the curve appears to be flattening. There were 3,047 new cases today, but the number of new cases has remained relatively flat for about a week now. Murphy bristled a bit, saying the state still needs to show more progress controlling the virus.

This discussion arose as some states - most notably Georgia - have begun allowing some businesses to reopen. There are obvious differences here. There are not as many COVID-19 cases in Georgia as there are in New Jersey and more importantly perhaps, the governor there is a conservative Republican, not a liberal Democrat.

Murphy said those who think he is keeping the state locked down for amusement or to show off his power are way off base.

"Folks," he said, "this doesn't benefit me."

And then he hammered home the point he's made numerous times - it's all about public health.

"We had 253 people die today."

Previous comments for: Persichilli Fire Hoses Trump's Lysol Comments

  1. Bruce Todd says:

    To jump to the conclusion that what the President implied by using the word injecting, somehow meant pumping some liquid into someone veins or lungs, has no idea what a person is trying to do when they form an incomplete thought. People when they do try to complete such preliminary ideas try to formulate it "On the spur of the moment". Suppose for example what would you think if a person said "How about if I took carbolic acid and sprayed it in a weakened form and as a fine mist into the operating room before we start the operation. Well, that is what the now famous English doctor by the name of Lister did, in an attempt to control the possibility of infection under conditions where while conducting surgery the idea along with other sanitary measures such doctors were engaged in trying to save lives. The known effect that sunlight has on the virus, as well as other non-surgical measures could have if introduced to the area of much concern (the lungs) possibly reduce the process occurring, to the benefit of the patient. Someone who cannot think in those new idea kind of situations, which happen to most people on many occasions, are about as helpless as giving a monkey a tire iron and telling them to "Change that tire".

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