Poll Shows Davis with Significant Lead in Bayonne Mayor's Race

A Global Strategy Poll shows Mayor Jimmy Davis with a double digit lead over challenger former Assemblyman Jason O'Donnell (D-31), according to Phil Swibinski, spokesman for the Davis Campaign.

According to the attached polling memo prepared by Global Strategy Group, has a 28-point advantage (47% Davis, 19% O'Donnell).

The poll also shows that Davis' favorability rating has improved over the last nine months, with 63% of likely voters now reporting favorable opinions of the Mayor compared to 21% unfavorable. The incumbent's net favorability has improved from +31 last June to +42 now.

"Jason O'Donnell has spent the last nine months desperately attacking Mayor Davis, but the simple fact is that Bayonne voters know and like their Mayor and want to see the city continue to be revitalized with the leadership of Team Davis," said Council President Sharon Ashe-Nadrowski. "We expect the O'Donnell campaign to sink even lower in the next seven weeks, but Mayor Davis is in a stronger position than ever to be re-elected because from the development of MOTBY, to the restoration of city parks to the revitalization of Broadway, Bayonne residents see the progress that is taking place all over our city."

O'Donnell spokesman Sean Darcy was underwhelmed.

"It took Jimmy Davis a week to find 300 people to answer a fifteen minute poll that only asks positive Jimmy Davis and negative Jason O’Donnell questions," Darcy said. "We’ve heard the poll, Jimmy should be upset he’s only up that much in it.  This is a desperate move by a desperate campaign, and the only surprise is that they’ve reached this point so quickly.  On May 8th there will be only one poll that matters."





Previous comments for: Poll Shows Davis with Significant Lead in Bayonne Mayor's Race

  1. John R Cupo says:

    Jimmy Davis 65% his team 65%

  2. John R Cupo says:

    Man Jimmy Davis will get 65% of the vote and the rest of his team will get 65% of the vote. you have pipe dreams barry Smith

  3. Barry Smith says:

    We shall see May 8th these Global Strategy Group polls mean nothing the people will be the one will make the decision who they want as Mayor. I can tell you this it will be a runoff and if it's a runoff Jason O'Donnell will be the Mayor of Bayonne..#ODonnell4Mayor2018

  4. John R Cupo says:

    I'm liking this Jimmy Davis and team...

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