(WATCH) Port Authority Affirms Increased Wages for Airport Workers (VIDEO)

JERSEY CITY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey this afternoon affirmed an increase to $19 of a phased-in minimum wage scale for all airport workers, including the catering category.
The board voted unanimously following an impassioned argument made by Gov. Phil Murphy with cheering SEIU workers at his back.
"Working families have waited long enough," said the Governor. "Please do not let this opportunity elude us."
SEIU 32BJ NJ Director Kevin Brown contextualizes the vote above.
[caption id="attachment_23756" align="alignnone" width="4608"] SEIU 32BJ workers celebrate outside the Port Authority Building in downtown Jersey City.[/caption]
The workers in the back of the room exulted, prompting Chairman Kevin O'Toole to politely remind them they were in a meeting room.
The board also backed organizing all 23 labor unions into one contracting agreement.
Passage today requires a 60 day public comment period and review.
A final vote will take place in June.
Below, please see Murphy address the Port Authority.