President of NJ Fed. of Democratic Women Resigns

The President of the New Jersey Federation of Democratic Women today announced her resignation in a
[caption id="attachment_128073" align="alignright" width="224"] Burman[/caption]
post on Facebook: The full post is below:
“I, Alana Burman, am resigning as President effective immediately.
“It has become extraordinarily clear that the time and place for NJFDW’s effectiveness has long been passed and despite my best efforts, the inmates are intent on running the asylum and running it into the ground.
“Never have I experienced such a lack of professionalism in politics, from refusals to learn and acknowledge Robert’s Rules, to outright lying and deception, to refuse to engage in uniform business properly, to directly undermining our own state Democratic women and Democratic party.
“I am tired of losing energy and sleep over the damage being done to my reputation by people who cannot even manage to engage effectively with their own local political parties – much less on a state level.
“Too many see engaging this organization as an opportunity for personal projection and promotion and not an opportunity for true public service. If I wanted to spend my time with a bunch of messy catty ineffective out-of-touch outcasts, I would go back to hanging out in punk bars in my free time and not engaging in political efforts.
“It is clear that many of my former colleagues in NJFDW are not only uninterested in growth and improvement, but reject such measures to the detriment of those around them. I have no place in my life for people who chose to operate out of this type of fear and mediocrity.
“If anything has become apparent in my tenure, is that NJFDW is a leadership adverse organization because it is filled with people who see themselves as leaders, but lack the fundamental skills and knowledge to do so, and simply resort to sabotage of both organization and self to provide cover.
“I deeply apologize to those that I recruited into this mess in the hopes that their involvement would help drive positive change.
“My health and mental well-being are more important than this.”
The NJFDW is the statewide organization uniting Democrat women from throughout New Jersey. On our Board are Presidents of the county chapters of the Federation; they are fully engaged in supporting the efforts of Democrat women wanting to hold office, whether local, regional, or statewide. The NJFDW carries forth in New Jersey the ideals of the National Federation (NFDW) and their commitment to the Democrat party. Be rest assured that in 2022 the NJFDW and our Board will continue helping more New Jersey women run for office on our Democratic principles and win the support of their communities. The Board thanks President Burman for her service & leadership. Interim President, Margaret Weinberger