​Mandelblatt for Congress: Rep. Lance's Actions on ACA Hurt His Constituents

Contact: Jason Robert Henry
908-379-8226, jason@lisa4congress.com


Rep. Lance's Actions on ACA Hurt His Constituents

Rates expected to rise an average of 24% for individuals who purchased individual Horizon plans


WESTFIELD, NJ - According to rates released this week by the New Jersey Division of Insurance, healthcare insurers in the exchange program are all raising premiums. The rise in costs to NJ residents is due to marketplace uncertainty caused by the GOP's continued attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, along with the Trump Administration's continual undermining of the ACA even after Republican attempts to repeal the landmark law failed earlier this year.


Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield customers will see on average a 24% increase in premiums, while AmeriHealth customers will see an increase of 17% on average.

Lisa Mandelblatt, candidate for Congress in New Jersey's 7th District released the following statement regarding the increases in premiums:


“Congressman Lance’s 60 plus attempts to repeal the ACA and his vote in favor of Trumpcare in committee have only served to hurt his constituents. Because of the games Rep. Lance played with the ACA, and his inability to accomplish anything in this do-nothing Congress, New Jersey families will have to pay significantly more for healthcare. It is utterly appalling that Rep. Lance would do this to the people who pay his salary and shows why he needs to be replaced.

Real public servants would never let something like this happen to the people they serve. Rest assured, as your next Congresswoman, I will work tirelessly to expand healthcare coverage while bringing down costs. Access to affordable, quality healthcare is a right, not a privilege."


Since announcing her candidacy in May, Lisa Mandelblatt's campaign has focused on investing in quality jobs for New Jerseyans, addressing vital infrastructure needs, ensuring New Jersey maintains a top-notch education system for all students, and fighting for affordable healthcare.



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