​Lisa Mandelbatt Statement on Harmful Budget Reconciliation Bill For New Jersey Taxpayers

Contact: Jason Robert Henry
908-379-8226, jason@lisa4congress.com


Lisa Mandelbatt Statement on Harmful Budget Reconciliation Bill For New Jersey Taxpayers


Westfield, NJ - Today, Congress voted for President Trump's budget reconciliation bill that paves the way for increasing taxes on middle-class New Jersey families in order to give tax breaks to the extremely wealthy and corporations.

The elimination of state and local tax (SALT) deductions is just the tip of the iceberg. This bill will lead to cutting $473 billion from Medicare, $1 trillion in Medicaid, and billions more to vital educational initiatives like Head Start and Pell Grants, while the richest of the rich continue to get tax breaks.


Lisa Mandelblatt, candidate for Congress in New Jersey's 7th Congressional District released the following statement regarding the vote:


"This is a bad day for the families and taxpayers of New Jersey. The loss of state and local tax deductions will disproportionally impact the people of New York and New Jersey, who already do not get a return on our tax dollar investment. Furthermore, this bill will make massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and programs to help our students and their families.


What is most troubling, is that New Jersey's Republican representatives, including Leonard Lance, did little to stop their caucus from passing this plan, aside from sending out a letter. Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, and Republican leaders know that Rep. Lance would rather quietly sit in the back of the room and keep his job than stand up for principles and his constituents.


Being a member of Congress is more than a job. It is a position that requires you to make tough choices, stick your neck out for the people you represent, and take a stand on important issues. Career politician Leonard Lance has proven time after time he lacks guts and convictions. As a future member of Congress, my neighbors in this district can always count on me to put them over politics first."


Since announcing her candidacy in May, Lisa Mandelblatt's campaign has focused on investing in quality jobs for New Jerseyans, addressing vital infrastructure needs, ensuring New Jersey maintains a top-notch education system for all students and fighting for affordable healthcare.



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