Supporting Rep. Watson Coleman’s Censure Resolution - HR 496
(New Jersey) - Over 100 New Jersey based Faith Leaders from a broad spectrum of denominations have signed onto a letter in support of House Resolution 496 – a censure resolution condemning President Donald Trump’s failure to forcefully repudiate hatred. The letter urged all members of New Jersey’s congressional delegation to support this important measure.
In response to torch-wielding Neo-Nazis and white supremacists marching and inciting evil and violence through the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, the formal reprimand was filed by New Jersey Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman, New York Congressman Jerald Nadler and Washington Congressman Pramila Jayapal.
This clergy letter was specifically and individually sent to those members of New Jersey’s congressional delegation who have still failed to sign-on, step-up and speak-out against hatred: Congressman Josh Gottheimer, Congressman Frank LoBiondo, Congressman Tom MacArthur, Congressman Chris Smith, Congressman Leonard Lance and Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen. They implore these representatives to not only speak out and condemn the vile actions all Americans witnessed recently, but to also officially censure President Trump for his heinous response to the evil on display in Charlottesville and in the aftermath. Congress has only censured a President three times prior in history – the last instance occurring in 1848.
"There is zero room for equivocation when it comes to condemning the hatred spewed in Charlottesville by Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan,” said Imam M. Ali Chaudry, PH.D. “I urge our Congressional delegation to support this resolution against the coddling of evil.”
“The clarion call of ‘Never Again’ must be sounded every time hatred manifests itself,” said Rabbi Marc Kline, Monmouth Reform Temple, Tinton Falls. “This call should especially be voiced - loud and clear - when hatred marches through American streets. We must join together to shine a light on evil whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head.”
"To remain silent after bearing witness to Neo Nazis chanting ‘Jews will not replace us’ and ‘Blood and Soil’ on national television is to be complicit to an attack on humanity,” said Rev. Gregory J. Jackson, Senior Pastor Mount Olive Baptist Church, Hackensack. “Our morality dictates that we speak and speak loudly."
It is especially fitting that this letter is being released today, on the 54th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial as part of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. This morning, over 1,000 religious leaders from various faiths – including Jewish, Muslim and Christian - are rallying in Washington D.C. to highlight how opposition to Trump’s agenda is a moral, as well as political approach.
Below, please find a copy of the letter, along with a list of signees. These members of the cloth represent a wide range of New Jersey spiritual leaders – including Jewish, AME, Baptist, Church of God in Christ, Unitarian Universalist, Lutheran, Methodist and Evangelical. And this letter was sent to each of the New Jersey Congressmen who have failed to sign-on to the censure resolution.
On Friday, August 11, 2017, Neo Nazis and White Supremacists carrying torches like Ku Klux Klan Nightriders, charged through the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia and then marched upon a church, forcing members of many faiths to escape out the back door. On Saturday morning, some White Nationalists dressed in fatigues and carrying assault weapons, menaced a Synagogue as people were inside worshipping. That same morning, hundreds of Nazis rushed members of the Clergy standing witness to the march. Had it not been for the brave actions to counter-demonstrators getting between the Neo Nazis and the Clergy, those standing witness would have been harmed.
Later that morning, a member of the racist group drove his car into a group of counter-protesters, murdering Heather Heyer and injuring 19 others.
In response to this jaw-dropping, horrific, violent, racist, anti-Semitic, KKK and Hitlerian display, President Trump found moral equivalency between the “alt-right” and the counter demonstrators and anti-Nazi protectors, and has “tweeted” out his sadness at the call to remove hateful Confederate monuments. On August 22, at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, President Trump said, “They are trying to take away our history and our heritage.” What more does President Trump need to say before you will act?
New Jersey Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman and Congressman Nadler (NY) and Congresswoman Jayapal (WA) have filed H. Res. 496, seeking a Congressional Censure of President Trump for his heinous response to Charlottesville.
We, the undersigned members of the New Jersey clergy, ask that in addition to forcefully speaking out and condemning the actions of White Nationalists and Neo Nazis, that you sign on to this Resolution as Co-Sponsor. Congress must make it clear that the President does not speak for the American Government with regard to Charlottesville. Over 110 Members of Congress have already signed on. Please Act Now.
Yours Truly,
Rev. John D. Givens Cantor Joanna Alexander
Paterson United Pastors Council Temple Rodeph Torah
Paterson, NJ Marlboro, NJ
Representing 30+ Congregations
Rev. Dr. James Kuykendall Rev. Dr. Lanel D. Guyton
Agape Christian Ministries Church St. Mathew AME Church
Paterson, NJ Orange, NJ
Rev. Robin Tanner Rev. Norwood R. Cuff
Unitarian Church of Summit Campbell AME Church
Summit, NJ Woodbury, NJ
Rev. Charles Boyer Rev. Gregory Smith
Bethel AME Church
Woodbury, NJ
M. Ali Chaudry, PhD Rev. George Anne Alston
President Mt. Pisgah AME Church
Islamic Society of Basking Ridge, NJ Washington, NJ
Co-Founder of NJ Interfaith Coalition
Bishop Tyrone W. McCombs, PhD Rabbi Marc Kline
Prelate, S. Jersey Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Monmouth Reform Temple
Church of God In Christ Tinton Falls, NJ
Representing 35+ Houses of Worship
Rev. Leslie R. Harrison Rabbi Cy Stanway
Itinerant Elder Temple Beth Miriam
AME Church-NJ Elberon, NJ
Presiding Elder J. Stanley Justice Rev. Vanessa Perry
Former Senior Pastor of Greater Mount Zion AME Church
Trenton, NJ
Ms. Ann Robinson Rev. David M. Horst
Chair Central Unitarian Church
Area Women’s Missionary Society of the AME Church Paramus, NJ
Elizabeth, NJ
Ms. Barbara J. Cook Rev. Margaret A. Bailey
President Beverly, NJ
Lay Organization
Mt. Teman AME Church
Elizabeth, NJ
Rev. Bruce H. Davidson Rev. Tracy Sprowls
Stockton, NJ Board President
Rev. Karen G. Johnston
Unitarian Society of East Brunswick, NJ
Rev. Kimberly Wildszewski Rabbi Donald A. Weber
Unitarian Universalist Church Temple Rodeph Torah
Washington Crossing, NJ Marlboro, NJ
Rev. Dr. Lanel D. Guyton Pastor David Ford, Sr.
St. Mathew AME St. Mathews Baptist Church
Orange, NJ Roselle, NJ
Rev. Ann Marie Alderman Dr. Ronald L. Owens
First Unitarian Society of Plainfield New Hope Baptist Church
Plainfield, NJ Metuchen, NJ
Rabbi David Z. Vaisberg Dr. Michael Granzen
Temple Emanu-El Second Presbyterian Church
Edison, NJ Elizabeth, NJ
Rev. Carol S. Haag Dr. Therman E. Evans
Unitarian Universalist, Retired-NJ Morning Community Center
Linden, NJ
Rev. Ramon Collazo Rev. Fred Sharp
Santa Isabel Lutheran Church Concord Missionary Baptist
Elizabeth, NJ Perth Amboy, NJ
Rev. Archie Cummings, Jr. Rev. Iley Bright
Retired AME Pastor First Baptist Church
Plainfield, NJ Bound Brook, NJ
Rev. Carmine Pernini Dr. Clifford Wright
Evangelical Lutheran Church Hope Church
Rahway, NJ Bound Brook, NJ
Rev. Howard A. Bryant Rev. Jerquintin Sutton
Retired Pastor Lebanon Baptist Church
Presbyterian Church Westwood, NJ
Irvington, NJ
Rev. Jack Martin Rev. Mark McCreary
Kelly House for Retired Priest Second Baptist Church
Caldwell, NJ Metuchen, NJ
Rev. Kathryn Irwin Bishop Wayne L. Johnson
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Bibleway Deliverance Center
Nutley, NJ Roselle, NJ
Rev. James Moore Rev. William Ingram
Second Baptist Church Shiloh Baptist Church
Roselle, NJ Elizabeth, NJ
Rev. Jennifer A. Kelleher Rabbi Paul Jacobson
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset Hills Temple Avodat Shalom
Somerville, NJ River Edge, NJ
Rev. Gregory J. Jackson
Mount Olive Baptist Church
Hackensack, NJ