Over 100,000 Fracking Ban Petitions Delivered to DRBC Meeting
Over 100,000 Fracking Ban Petitions Delivered to DRBC Meeting
Public calls for a vote for a COMPLETE fracking ban
What: Organizations working to fully and permanently ban fracking throughout the Delaware River Basin, collected signatures on a petition that calls for a ban on fracking, a ban on frack wastewater processing and discharges, and a ban on water exports from the Delaware River Watershed for fracking elsewhere. The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), made up of the governors of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Delaware, and the Army Corps of Engineers representing the federal government, are expected to vote in the coming months on the proposed fracking ban. Representatives of the groups that collected the signatures will hand deliver the petitions to the Governors’ representatives and DRBC staff at the Public Business Meeting of the DRBC. Since this is the 8-year anniversary of the fracking moratorium, people are congratulating the Commission on preventing fracking so far and petitioning to make the ban complete and permanent.
When: 10:30 am, Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Where: Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitors Center, 1112 River Rd., Washington Crossing, PA 18977
Who: Members of the public and representatives from organizations from throughout the Delaware River Watershed whose members and supporters have signed the petitions will speak to the DRBC Commissioners during the DRBC’s public comment session about the need for a COMPLETE and permanent fracking ban.